True or False
Act it Out!
Name that Feeling
Coraline Movie Trivia

The same coping skills work the same for everyone.



What is your favorite exercise to help you cope with stress and uncomfortable feelings? Act out an exercise you can do in when you are stressed to help you cope with your feelings.



The feeling you get when two friends talk with each other and ignore you.

Angry, annoyed, self conscious


When someone holds back their actions. This is needed when we become angry...We should exercise......It begins with a C



In the beginning, Coraline picks up a forked stick, what does she use it for and what tree is it from?

The stick was from a Poison Oak and she was using it as a dowsing rod.


Coping skills are used to avoid problems in our lives.



In one minute, act out three coping strategies


A feeling you might have after your friend tells everyone about something nice you did for her.

Proud, happy, ....


This is something that a person has when he/she has a fit of temper. Babies are known for having these. It is unacceptable for kids who are not babies to react to their anger with these. These are called ?

temper tantrum


At the dinner table Charlie Jones is serving one of his unpleasant recipes to his family. Coraline, refusing to eat it, begs her Mom to cook, her Mother explains and then suggests a vegetable to Coraline. What vegetable and why should she eat it?  

Chard, because Coraline needs a vegetable.


Sleep can be both a healthy AND unhealthy coping skill.  



Choose a positive coping skill and it act it out in an expected way


A feeling that might be prompted by a sunny day and doing what you want to do.

cheerful, content


To release your emotions, release your frustrations, release your worries...Students may do this by talking to a counselor, parent, teacher, friend or even writing it in a journal. Doing this helps a person avoid making inappropiate choices related to anger. Starts with a V!



Earlier in the movie there is a painting on the wall of a person dressed in blue with an expression on their face clearly from one of the details on the picture, when Coraline enters the Otherworld she sees the replica of the painting, but this time it's the opposite of the one back home. What gender is the person, what expression is in the real flat and why are they like that and what is the opposite?

A boy crying, and a blob of ice cream on the ground. (Otherworld) He is laughing with the ice cream on the cone again.


Coping skills don't require practice or time-they are easy peasy lemon squeezy.



Imagine someone said something mean and unkind to you. You started to feel bad about yourself.  say three positive things you could say to yourself that would help you to feel better?


A feeling that can lead to depression

sadness, lonliness


To feel defeated. If a person is doing something or experiencing something and he feels like he wants to give up, it is because he/she has become______. Often times this leads to anger.  Starts with the letter F

What is frustration?


Sitting at the dinner table with her Other Parents. After Coraline states that she's 'really thirsty'.  The Other Mother says, 'Of course, any requests?'  What drink did Coraline choose?

Mango Milkshake?


Name 3 new coping skills you've learned or that you use



Imagine you were asked to teach a class called "Learn to Relax", teach the strategy you would use


Name one of the eight basic emotions (not feelings, but emotions) - Emotions are associated with bodily reactions that are activated by the brain (they are expressed both consciously or subconsciously), whereas feelings are the conscious experience of emotional reactions. Emotions impact behavior and are often revealed by our thoughts, beliefs, desires, and actions 

Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, Surprise, Anticipation, Anger and Trust.


An emotion that we experience when someone does something that we do not like. This is an emotion that is very common and powerful. Although it is common, it is bad if we do not handle it in an appropiate manner.

What is anger?


Coraline's Real Mother takes Coraline shopping for school uniform. Later on the way home the shop's name is printed on the bag filled with the uniforms. What does it say?
