Short Term-Effect
Long-Term Effect
Social Consequence
While making small talk with your hairstylist, you realize your stylist chews tobacco. Which effect of nicotine use is causing you to lean away as your stylist talks to you?

Bad breath


Your goal is to earn a scholarship for swimming. Which effect of nicotine use, other than cancer, would most likely keep you from reaching the goal?

Heart disease


Your crush asks you to the school dance. At the dance, you realize your crush smokes cigarettes. You politely let your crush know that cigarette smoking is a dating deal breaker.

Dating dilemmas


Your goal is to save enough money to buy a pineapple pool float for your friend's birthday. Which effect of nicotine use would keep you from reaching your goal?

Less money

To seem "cool" at a party, your friend wants you both to try vaping nicotine. You suggest a better idea to be "cool" because you love your skin and take care of it.



You're a role model for the kids at your local community center. At the mall, you see a classmate who's known for vaping nicotine. You decide to steer clear of him because you don't want to associate with anyone who uses drugs.

Bad reputation


Norman has been smoking cigarettes for years. He's at the bus stop and realizes he's out of smoke. A woman nearby is smoking, so Norman asks to borrow a cigarette. She's smoking her last one so Norman desperately asks if he can share with her.



Willa and her friends went to a hookah bar. Her friends think hookah is less risky than cigarette smoking because the smoke passes through water. They didn't know that nicotine can cause this long term-effect.



Some friends say, "Hey, meet us at the convenience store this afternoon. We're going to buy some e-cigarettes." You make a reasonable excuse to get out of the situation because no one under 21 can purchase nicotine. Later you find out your friends get busted and fined $50 each. They also got banned from the store.

Legal problems


Rueben shows you a can of dip. He wants you to try some with him in the bathroom assuring you no one will know. You state the facts to get out of the situation and say, "Yes, someone will eventually know by the change in our smiles". Which effect are you describing?

Yellow Teeth


You and your best friend always host mystery cooking challenges. The object of the challenge is to guess the ingredients using sense of smell and taste. Your friends has been smoking cigarettes and hardly wins the challenges anymore. 

Loss of taste and smell


Someone you know confided in you that he smokes cigars. He said he's having problems with his parents. They think he's being disrepectful because he avoids hugging them. He loves his parents, but he doesn't want them to find out he smokes.

Problems with family


Your friend is out sick from school again. He's missed more days this year than any other due to respiratory problems which began when he started smoking cigarettes. Which effect are we describing?

Sick more often


Your friend just got back from the dentist. The dentist said she is going to experience tooth loss if she doesn't quit using nicotine.

Gum disease


You encounter your neighbor in the park. He's smoking a cigar. You chat briefly, but say good-bye to get away from second-hand smoke. You can tell your neighbor is disappointed you didn't stay to talk to him.

Feeling left out