Defining Technology
Reasons for Development of Tech.
Factors affecting access to & acceptance of tech.
Impact of Tech on Lifestyle
Technologies and the community
Technologies & the workplace
Technological Development
A selected piece of technology

The first 3 dot points on the SIT syllabus are...

- Technology as HARDWARE

- Technology as SOFTWARE



The acronym for the reasons for the development of technology is...



How many factors are there?



The subheading under "The impact of Technology of Lifestyle is "Technologies & the ____________?" 



What is the acronym for Technologies & the Community?

Heart FELT


The acronym for technologies & the workplace is 



This is the SECOND LAST section of the syllabus - on the bottom of the second page of the SIT syllabus. It  encompasses TWO sections of work. 

The first being ?

Issues related to ICT

Provide an example of a selected piece of technology that we studied

Smart phone 


2 examples of Technology as HARDWARE include...

Examples include:

- Appliances 

- Toys 

- Gadgets 


The 6 reasons for the development of technology are

Social betterment

The global community 

Response to social problems

Improving upon existing Technology

Consumer demand & human need 

Economic benefit


Name each of the 8 factors 

Age, Culture, Education, Economic Status, Disability, Geographical Location, Gender, Religion


The 3 dot points under the heading "Technology & the Family" are?

Household tech


Entertainment tech


Identify the 5 dot points under the heading 'technologies and the community'

Health & medicine 


Education & Training 

Leisure & Entertainment

Transport & travel 


The 4 dot points under the heading 'technologies in the workplace" are:

- Safety Tech


- Structure of the workplace

- Introduction of technology into the workplace


This is the SECOND LAST section of the syllabus - on the bottom of the second page of the SIT syllabus. It  encompasses TWO sections of work. 

The second being ?

Impact of emerging technologies 


The subheading on the syllabus in this section is?

Issues related to technological development 


Provide an example of Primitive AND Complex Organisation of knowledge 

E.g. MAY include:

Primitive - Vetical Filign Cabinet 

Complex - iCloud storage / portable hard drive 


The contexts that technology has emerged within are...

- Transport

- Communication 

- Consumer Services 


Explain how disability can affect acceptance of technology. Support with an example 

Because technology can assist PWD's a great deal, & thus enhance their independence (e.g. text telephone allows a deaf person to use a phone & therefore communicate with others without assistance), they are generally more accepting of technology because they see the value in it's use.   


Create a sentence where you could integrate the terms lifestyle and technology 

Technology has an impact on people's lives - the  way in which they live (communication, travel & the completion of tasks).   


What is the context of the information of HFELT?? (i.e. The RHS of the syllabus provides CONTEXT for this work on technology). 

What does the RHS of the syllabus say?

How does technology CONTRIBUTE to PRODUCTIVE communities

& / or 

What is the impact on community health & WB  


- Structure of the workplace has it's own acronym, which is? 



Identify the 5 dot points under the heading 'issues related to ICT' 

Extra 25 points for the crass acronym

privacy & safety 

security of information

accuracy of information

lnformation overload 



The three dot points in this section of the syllabus relate to areas we had already learned about, they are: 

- Reasons for the development of THE technology 

- Factors affecting access to & acceptance of THE technology 

- Impact on lifestyle & WB of THE technology 


Define SOFTWARE as technology 

Software is what CONTROLS the tasks performed by the computer


'The global community' refers to 

Technologies emergence and growth on a global scale. IT making communication on a world-wide level possible, & in real time. Technology has enabled a GLOBAL-community to evolve. E.g. goods, services and info can be accessed almost anywhere at any time, by anyone!   


How does Religion affect access to technology? Support with an example

Some religions, due to their beliefs, forbid the use of technology.  E.g. The Amish are forbidden to use motor vehicles and electricity 


Provide 3 categories of different household technology & a specific example in EACH category 

Cleaning Equipment (robo vac / portable UV ray) 

Cooking appliances (air fryer / pressure cooker) 

Food Storage & prevention (air tight containers / vacuum sealed freezer bags)

Home Maintenance (cordless power tools, solar powered tools, self propelled mowers)

Power Generation (portable charger/Solar power panels)

Home Security (security system APPS, automated locking, digital door locks) 


Provide TWO examples of HOW technology has positively impacted on community health & WB 

- Advancements in medical diagnosis (genetic testing to detect early markers / signs of disease) - increasing prevention & decreasing serious illness or death 

- Enhanced accessibility of rehabilitation E.g. virtual reality rehab sessions / telehealth appt's with Therapists. Increasing rates of return to work for employee's, reducing time off from work, increased capacity to reach / help more people as it eliminates the need to travel for rehab (increases economic WB of patient with reduced travel costs).    


HEFEE stands for?

Health & Safety 



Education & training



The acronym for emerging technologies is?



The RHS of the syllabus poses 3 questions that should have been used to conduct the case study on the selected piece of technology. 

The FIRST question is 

- how has the technology developed over time? 


Define PRIMITIVE and COMPLEX technologies AND provide an example of each

Primitive in this context refers to ONE or few functions / uses. (simple) E.g. Axe / Wheel

Complex refers to technology that has dual purposes or items are that are multi-functional. (aka - MANY elements) E.g. Swiss army knife / smart TV or phone / fridge-freezer. 

"Response to social problems" can be described as ...

technology helping to manage & prevent various social problems/issues. E.g. Immunisation preventing & managing disease throughout the world. (E.g. HPV preventing genital warts) Vaccines being developed in response to health problems & concerns. (e.g. COVID)


Explain HOW gender is a factor that affects the acceptance of technology, Support with TWO examples 

Societies values / standards, may, at times, determine what technology is 'appropriate' or seen as 'acceptable' for which gender.  

Marketing of products can also target a specific gender - thus, determining whether the technology is for males or females. E.g. Power tools being marketed for men OR hair products and styling tools targeting women 


Explain how household technology has POSITIVELY impacted on interpersonal relationships

Makes tasks easier / more efficient (household tech) therefore more time for family members to interrelate & spend time with one another - resulting in closer bonds 

Brings family together. More time spent with one another (entertainment tech) leads to an increased understanding of one another and more open, honest & trusting relationships


Explain how FOOD technology has lead to a more productive community

- Genetically altered food has meant more 'accepted' produce is available for consumers 

- Modifying food packaging results in food keeping for longer / extended shelf life, thus more food options available for a longer time (increases choice & efficiency) 

- Tamper seals have meant less products are returned / unused due to interference 

- Developments in food packaging / labeling has lead to p/c more easily able to provide sufficient diet / nutritious food to their dependent. 


There are TWO dot points on the RHS of the syllabus for 'Technologies in the workplace' - the FIRST of them is?

hint - there are 3 dash points 

Assess the degree to which technology impacts on

- Workplace safety 

- Work / life balance  

- Career pathways 


Identify the words for HEEEEE

Health & safety 


Equity & access



Education & Learning 


The RHS of the syllabus poses 3 questions that should have been used to conduct the case study on the selected piece of technology. 

The 2nd question is

- what impact has the technology had politically, economically & socially?


Describe how the trends in household use of ICT has changed over time  

Use increased, more devices accessible in each home, began with home computers - moved to portable devices & moved to internet use & portable devices e.g. lap tops, smart phones, gaming devices. All generations use it regularly - this began with adults using ICT for work or for research in schools occasionally. Now it is integrated into most areas of life. E.g. digital assistance / apps to control & assist every day living.   


The development of technology has affected consumer services by... 

-Previously→ consumers read hard copy manuals and waited long time for face to face support

-Improvements in tech allow for online help, voice/ key activation to select info needed 

THUS, time saving = satisfied customer - repeat business - more money. 


-Online help is paperless→ Saves printing cost


Culture can affect the acceptance and access to technology. Provide a point for / against - or 1 positive point & 1 negative point  

Positive - Technology eliminates or reduces language barriers among different cultures. Thus, increasing use (access) of the technology because it enhances their ability to communicate & achieve their goals.  

Negative - some cultures believe technology erodes their culture & that only basic items are necessary to live & function. Thus reducing their acceptance of technology as the dismiss the need for it. 


Explain how household technology has NEGATIVELY impacted on interpersonal relationships - provide 3 points

- Isolates family members away from one another (e.g. ICT - use of phones pushing individuals into separate rooms) 

- Sharing of devices (ICT) available can create conflict, resulting in feelings of resentment  

-  Distracted (ICT / ent tech) from important tasks can result in strains on relationships 

- Loss of social skills (ICT) E.g. not able to effectively communicate to each other effectively face to face because the their skills have been learned via a device E..g lacking eye contact & ability to voice  / advocate their feelings and needs in person


How has Leisure & Entertainment technology impacted community health & WB 

- Changed the face of leisure, it has become more sedentary which has decreased the health of indiv due to higher levels of inactivity. 

- Increased difficulty in drawing the line between work & leisure. Devices keep individuals connected to work no matter the environment. Where work is stopped & started is blurred. Lead to increased stress / burn out / deterioration of relationships / neglected responsibilities 

+ Increased opportunity for connectivity with others, even strangers, Reduces the barrier that geographical location can add to one's ability to socialise  


There are TWO dot points on the RHS of the syllabus for 'Technologies in the workplace' - the SECOND of them is?

Evaluate the rights & responsibilities of employers & employees in ADOPTING technology into the workplace 


The RHS of the syllabus next to 'IMPACT of emerging technologies' says:

Examine emerging technologies and predict the potential IMPACT of their development. Provide 4 examples of emerging technologies 

- Smart Phone 

- Drone's 

- Automated robots 

- Solar powered battery charger 

- Augmented virtual reality 

- AI 

- Digital Wallet 

- Driverless transport   

- Hybrid car / vehicle 


The RHS of the syllabus poses 3 questions that should have been used to conduct the case study on the selected piece of technology. 

The THIRD question is

What issues are related to the use and development of THE technology?