Cultural Dimensions
Competition and Conflict
General Psych
What is one cultural dimension?
Individualism AND collectivism (you need both to get this right!)
What is enculturation?
The process of acquiring the cultural values and understanding cultural norms of one's home culture.
What is acculturation?
The process of adapting and changing as a result to life in a secondary culture.
What is one central claim of realistic group conflict theory?
Conflict arises when there is competition for scarce resources.
What is the definition of psychology?
The SCIENTIFIC study of BEHAVIOUR and MENTAL PROCESSES/COGNITION. (Answer must have terms in capitals).
What is a cultural dimension?
A description of cultural values.
What are two ways enculturation occurs? (i.e. what are two ways culture is transmitted?)
Parenting, Peers, Media, School
Which acculturation strategy has the best mental health outcomes for immigrants?
What was the name of the experiment that tested the RCT?
The Robber's Cave Experiment
What hormone is associated with competition?
Which researcher used IBM employees from around the world to describe six cultural dimensions?
Hofstede (Geert)

In Odden & Rochat's study on the role of observational learning (based on social cognitive theory) in enculturation in Samoa, what did they find?`

Observational learning plays a significant role in enculturation.  It is possible for children to learn the values, norms and behaviors of their culture simply by observation and imitation

What are two factors than can influence acculturative stress? (According to Torres et al.'s study)
Discrimination and the acculturation strategy used
What were four characteristics of the participants in the Robber's Cave experiment?
white, middle class, protestant, male, 11-12 years old, parents still married, American.
What is one reason why we study the origins of conflicts between groups?
If we understand the origins of antisocial behaviour, we can develop better strategies to reduce, resolve and/or prevent it.
Where does a sense of identity come from in a collectivist culture and an individualistic culture? (Two answers)
Collectivist - belonging to a group Individualistic - individuality (including personal achievements)

Why would a high food accumulating culture be more likely to conform? (Barry 1959 & Berry 1967)

Because (according to Barry's study) they're raised with values related to obedience and responsibility, thus they're more likely to follow cultural and social norms.

What are four acculturation strategies?
Assimilation, Integration, Separation, Marginalization
What are three examples of conflict that occurred between the boys?
Raiding of cabins, burning of flags, booing each other during sports, verbal and physical fighting.
What are three approaches and two options in IB Psychology?
Approaches: Biological, cognitive and sociocultural Options: Abnormal, Human Relationships, Developmental, Health

What did Berry's (1967) study show about conformity amongst collectivist (Temne) and individualistic (Eskimo) cultures? 

Using the Asch paradigm, they found: 

The Temne had higher levels of conformity to group norms than the other two cultures.

The traditional Temne people had slightly higher conformity rates than the modernized group.

In all three groups, traditional cultures had higher rates of conformity than modernized ones (but these were not statistically significant between groups).

What's one piece of evidence that suggests low food accumulating cultures conform less than high food accumulating cultures?
Berry's study that showed Inuit's had lower levels of conformity than the Temne people in Africa.
What evidence from Torres study suggests that integration can reduce the effects of discrimination?
There was a correlation between "higher Anglo behavioural orientation" (e.g. were fluent in English) and reduced levels of acculturative stress as a result of discrimination.
What were two resources and two competitions that the researchers included in the competition phase of the experiment?
Resources: medals, trophies and pocket knives Competitions: tug-of-war, baseball

Name two studies that could be used to discuss localization of function.

SM, HM, Maguire