Schema Theory
Reconstructive Memory
Social Identity Theory
Misinformation Effect
Bransford and Johnson had three conditions in their experiment. What were they?
Title before, title after and no title.

What does the term "reconstructive memory" mean?

Memory is not stored accurately at the time of processing like a tape recorder, but is actively reconstructed when we are trying to recall something.

What is bystanderism?
Not helping someone who needs help.

What is the name of the online test that can be used to measure implicit bias?

Implicit Association Test


What crime did Shaw & Porter attempt to plant a false memory of in their participants?


What are two functions of schemas?
They improve our comprehension of new information; they allow us to make generalizations and predictions about people, places and events; they save our cognitive energy; (check other answers with your teacher)
What is it called when false information processed after an event can be falsely recalled as an actual memory.
The misinformation effect.

What is the difference between informational social influence and normative social influence?

Informational social influence is when an individual's behavior changes because they look to to others to determine the "right" way to behave in a situation. 

Normative social influence is when an individual's behavior changes because they want to be accepted by a group.


What group of people did Park & Rothbart (1982) study to demonstrate the out-group homogeneity effect.

College females in sororities.


Define the misinformation effect.

A phenomenon where false information can lead to false memories as that information is wrongly recalled as being real.

What is confirmation bias?

Focusing on and remembering information that is consistent with our existing beliefs or opinions (schema).

What were the two possible explanations L&P gave for their results in the first experiment (smashed had higher speed estimates than other verbs).
#1) Participants weren't sure and so the leading question directed them towards an answer, or #2) the leading question actually resulted in a false memory.

What are two possible explanations for bystanderism?

Informational social influence

Diffusion of responsiblity


Describe the roles of social categorization and social comparison in Social Identity Theory?

Social Categorization is when we group people into identity-based in-group and out-groups.

Social Comparison is when we compare those groups to increase our self esteem.


What factor in Loftus and Palmer's study on the misinformation effect increased the likelihood of participants recalling a false memory?

If the verb in the question was more aggressive, the participants were more likely to falsely remember broken glass.

What two judgments were people in the "white player" condition of Stone et al.'s experiment likely to make about the player?
Showed more hustle and made intelligent plays.
What % of participants in the smashed, hit and control conditions remembered seeing broken glass in the second experiment by Loftus and Palmer?
32% and 14% hit and 12% control.
What % of participants in the smoky room experiment sought help after six minutes when a) alone, b) three participants, c) 1 x participant with 2 x passive confederates
a) 75%, b) 38% c) 10%

What is the minimal group paradigm?

People are willing to sacrifice their own rewards if it means increasing the difference between what they are awarding their in-group and the out-group.


What is it called when a question is phrased in a specific way to elicit a certain response?

Leading question

How does Cohen's (1981) study support the conclusion that memory is influenced by schematic processes?

Participants are more likely to remember details that match the schema that has been activated.

Ex. Librarian-consistent vs. waitress-consistent details

What were the five speed estimates for all five verbs in L&Ps first experiment? (To the nearest mile per hour, mph).
Smashed = 40, Collided =39 , Bumped 38= , Hit = 34, Contacted = 32.

What is the relationship that has been suggested between rates of helping others and rural and urban areas? How is this related to diffusion of responsibility?

Those in cities are less likely to help than those in rural areas. 

The more people who are around to witness a situation, the lesw likely people are to act in a helpful way.


How does Cialdini's study on "basking in reflected glory" show the relationship between social identity and self esteem?

People were more likely to wear a college sweatshirt after the team had a win than when they didn't.

People want to affiliate with successful groups so that they can feel successful themselves.


What is Ms. Neil's dog's name? 

Trick question. Not a dog, he's a cat and his name is Sam.