Mental Health
Addiction and Communication

According to the JAMA network, through which way does misinformation spread quickest?

What is online media outlets


According to new studies, individuals who are involved in social media, games, texts, mobile phones, etc., are more likely to experience what?

What is depression


Between native content advertising, native sharing advertising, and non native advertising, this is the most effective form of advertising.

 What is Native Content Advertising


According to the scholarly journal titled "Social Media Use and Its Connection to Mental Health: A Systematic Review", which gender, male or female, is more likely to be addicted to social media?

What is female


According to the National Academy of Sciences, this type of news spreads quickly through social media and creates many opportunities for misinformation.

What is fake news


According to a study conducted by Chloe Berryman, Christopher Ferguson & Charles Negy, what is more critical to mental health issues, time spent on social media or how individuals use social media?

What is how individuals use social media


According to The International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, this kind of advertising combines technology and its own media platform to deliver relevant and valuable ads to social media users.

What is Native Advertising


According the Hamutoglu, N, et al, _____ , spending more time on social media in the fear of missing on important event is a main increaser in social media addiction.

What is FOMO


Out of two groups, conspiracists or conventionalists, who is more likely to take a more hostile tone in conversation regarding misinformation ?

What is conventionalists


_____ is one of the stronger predictors of many mental health problems in young adults, compared to social media usage which is a poor predictor of mental health issues

Parent/child conflict


This type of online advertising doesn’t integrate itself into the content of social media

What is Non Native Advertising


University students spend ___ hours on social media actively everyday and have ___ different social media social media accounts according to Hamutogl, N, et al.

What is 7 and 4