What is Parental Control?
Is a way of your Parents to protect you when you are playing online.
With you should you share photos?
With Trusted people only, don´t do it with Unkowns.
How someone that Hacks you it´s called?
Hacker or Informatical Pirate.
Why is Cyberbulling Bad?
Because people can get sad D:
Tell 3 Social Medias.
Why you should´t play Online without Restrictions?
Because you will not be really secure to Online Bad people.
With who you should share your Password?
Try with no one, but if you´re small, share it with your parents ONLY.
It´s good Stealing Accounts or Games to People?
No, it´s not.
Cyberbulling is normally maked by?
What´s the most used Social Media.
Why shouldn´t you play Games of more age than yours?
Because can have images that are not appropriate for your age.
If you Share Online, what could happend?
You can be Hacked.
Why people Steal Games, Accounts...?
Sometimes to get Money or other things, but have sure that are for their benefit.
Why people that you or someone Cyberbully are Sad?
Because they can get Offended.
What´s the most used Social Media peolpe of less than 18 years?
Why shouldn´t you talk with strangers Online?
Because they can be bad people or Hackers.
Why you shouldn´t Share Game Credits to Unknowns?
Because they can be Scamming you.
Did someone Stole you Online?
Did someone cyberbully you?
Do you Cyberbully?
Why you shouldn´t meet in places with people that you meet in a game?
Because they can be persons that kill or kidnap people.
Do you Share Online? Why?
It´s better to not.
Do you Steal Online?
Did you any time Helped someone that was getting Cyberbully?
Yes = Good Person.
No = Bad person.
What do you think about of Cyberbully?
It´s BAD!!