what is the name of the website that recommends videos?
what app had created the first social media algorithm?
_______ : Likes, shares, and comments indicated that users find the content interesting and relevant
User Engagement
why algorithms tend to affirm pre-existing beliefs?
they limit exposure to new content
What is the name of the popular app which was banned recently but has an algorithm which fan's love?
algorithms refine content suggestions by adapting and learning from __________ .
User interactions
_____ : newer posts are prioritized over older ones
what do you do when you want a post to be seen by more viewers? This could be through including all types of information.
Adding hashtags, captions, keywords, relevant information on hashtags.
This company shares data with multiple apps like Facebook and Instagram.
what signals are algorithms looking/scanning for?
behavior, keywords, engaging in content(likes/shares/popularity)
_______ : keywords and hashtags give content context and improve its visibility
AI models take data analytics and redefine model language based on different _____.
user behavior
What app uses keywords and engaged behavior when showing these style posts mimic text/messaging style?
Twitter (X)
_______ is a set of instructions used to process data inputs and solve a problem. In the case of social media, the issue at hand is show to connect users with engaging and relevant content.
_____ : This is the duration of time a user spends watching videos (Youtube Shorts, Instagram reels)
Watch Time
When posting on Instagram what time a day is the best time to upload a post for maximum viewership?
9 am til 3 pm on weekdays, (midday times)