danger of social media
what is social media
personal info on social media
how social media effects careers
communication theory's

Is everything you post on social media permeant?

Yes! Once something is posted to social media there is no way to erase it, even after being deleted there is always a way to get it back


What is another name for social media?

Mediated communication. 


It is ok to post whatever i want on my social media accounts even if it will put others down. True or False?

False. even though it is your personal account it is never ok to put others down


how many social medias post does it take to ruin your Career?

One! one wrong post can ruin your chance working at your dream company


Social learning is a example of...

Communication theory


when posting a photo on social media have you gained or lost control of that image?

Lost control. since anyone can save a image to their own device they can chose to send it anywhere without you knowing.


over text can you tell what tone someone is talking in?

No. the way you interpret the text can be different than what the sender was trying to get across.


personal information must not be shared through social media accounts. True or false?

True! once you share something you can never take it back so its best to not share personal info ever.


True or false? Having major conflict with another person publicly online can put your job at risk.

True! saying certain things that go against your company can put your job at risk 


the medium is the message is part of which communication theory?

Marshals McLuhan. this was when he had the theory about the medium of which the message being received was more important than the message it self


is a good idea to over share in a text message?

No! Oversharing in a text can result to that text being sent around and now everyone knows your private information.


communicating over social media forces us into a ____?

Dialogue! this is the text sent back and fourth instead of a face to face convesation.


should you share others personal information on social media since it doesn't put you at risk.

No! sharing this persons information can put them at risk which is never ok


True or false? Over 50% of hiring staff have found red flags on social media as to why the should not hire someone

True! What you post online will always follow you no matter where you go in life


what is individual difference theory? 

It is theory that mass media users that have different characteristics affect the media