Social media lets you _________ with friends and family
Known for it's disappearing pictures
TRUE or FALSE- It is okay to give out your social security number to people via social media, as long as you know who they are.
This is the amount of time a picture lasts on the internet
A funny image, video, or text that is copied and shared on social media
Known for its 140 character limit
What is the average time a kid spends on social media per day
8 hours
You should change this every 6 months
This became a famous term after the 2016 Presidential election. Social media can make this go viral.
What is 'fake news'?
Site where you can post, view, and share videos
TRUE or FALSE- On social media, It is okay to discuss how annoying my friend is online as long as I don't mention his/her name.
You shouldn't share this on the internet
Private/personal information
Sometimes people feel more comfortable saying something on social media instead of ______ to _____
face to face
Photo and video sharing site that also has stories
The pictures you decide to post online today can affect your future reputation. (True or False)
TRUE. The photos you post online may never go away! In the digital age, you need to pay attention to your reputation from the moment you start going online. Your online reputation can be both positive and negative, depending on the choices you make and can affect the future
This is a good way to protect yourself on social media
Using privacy settings
Kids and adults don't do as much of __________________ (this kind of communication) because of texting and instant messaging
talking in person
Largest social media site in the world
It is not smart to have the same _________ for all websites
People have been fired from their jobs or kicked out of school because of social media (true or false)