Top Social
B-Listed Social
Social Media
This number one social network goes head-to-head with Google on a daily basis for top referrer to many major sites, and for top most-visited site on the web.
What is Facebook
A mobile-based media famous for “check-ins”, where users earn “badges” as a reward.
What is Foursquare
A way to shout out to other users of a social network in a post, comment or tweet.
What is mentions (@)
A 140 character SMS compatible message that makes up all of Twitter's content
What is a tweet
An option for businesses that must be integrated into a marketing plan to expect sales to increase.
What is social networking
The second largest search platform, this video-based social media is second largest social network by some measures.
What is YouTube
A blog site platform made unique by its “reblog this” feature similar to a retweet but for entire posts, media included.
What is Tumblr
A button placed on Web sites and blogs that Facebook members click to approve of the latest posts from those venues on their personal news feed
What is a like
News feeds which you receive straight into your account
What is twitter feed
There are more than 35 million of these posted on Instagram.
What is #selfies
On the border between big and b-list, this smaller top platform focuses on careers and business connections.
What is LinkedIn
This social networking site gained traction with teenagers and young adults; in 2003 had one million users sign up in the first month
What is Myspace
Attaching short, searchable phrases as labels to posts, images, etc. allowing for easy linking and navigation.
What is tagging
Another name for your twitter profile picture.
What is an avitar
In 2008 this site was launched to post daily deals to leverage the collective power of large groups.
What is Groupon
As opposed to “profiles” this type of Facebook content is geared toward business uses.
What is Page or Fan Page
Quickly becoming one of the top social networks, this photo sharing service has a ton of features for sharing and exploring.
What is Flickr
A live, real-time stream of all friends' posts that is available to select customers.
What is a timeline
Also called a DM and most recently called simply a "message," these Tweets are private between the sender and recipient. Tweets sent over SMS become DMs when they begin with "d username" to specify who the message is for.
What is direct message
The #1 reason people get blocked or hidden from news feeds on social media sites?
What is over-posting
71 percent of the world’s largest brands have adopted this site, which now rivals the brand adoption of Google+ and Pinterest, making it the fastest growing social network worldwide. The report included brand hashtag monitoring, multi-account monitoring, competitive monitoring and a complete social media snapshot.
What is Instagram
Now a social gaming site, it was once also used for dating and discovering new events, bands and hobbies.
What is Friendster
Google’s answer to the “Like” button on Facebook, this feature allows you to add your vote to search results.
What is Google +
My Twitter users, or Twitter followers.
What is tweeple or tweeps
Google and Facebook offered to buy what app for up to $4 million, but were declined. It recently went public and is now valued at $26 billion
What is snapchat