Safety Tips
Impacts on Our Lives
Cyber Bullying
Real Life Statistics

What is one way you can protect yourself on social media?

Check your privacy settings to make what you post private and don't give out personal information online.


The pictures you decide to post online today can affect your future reputation.

(True or False?)

TRUE. The photos you post online may never go away!


Should you ever post rude comments about other people online?



What is the most common social media app/website used by teenagers in 2019?

Snapchat. According to a study by Sprout Social, 41% of teens use Snapchat, 22% of teens use Instagram, and 15% of teens use Facebook.


What information should you avoid posting or sharing with strangers online? (Name at least one)

Your full name, school, personal address or location, phone number, or other identifying details.


How many times on average do people check their smart phones everyday according to the LIKE documentary trailer? 

A) 50  B) 100  C) 150

According to the LIKE documentary trailer we watched, over 2 billion people have smart phones today and on average, people check their smart phones 150 times per day. 


Should you post funny comments on social media?

Yes, as long as it does not make fun of others.


How many teens have had personal or embarrassing information shared about them?

A) 24%  B) 44%  C) 14%

24% of teens have had this happen to them.


What should you do when someone sends you inappropriate messages or pictures online?

Tell a trusted adult, un-add or un-follow the person. 


What is a positive way that social media can impact our lives?

It allows us to stay connected with our peers we have met from school, sports teams, or that live far away. It provides an opportunity for us to connect with others that share similar interests. It allows us to learn about our community/society and show support to others.


John walked up to Mary during lunch time and pushed her. He also told her she was stupid. Is this cyber bullying? 

No. Cyber bullying is only electronic communication such as online websites, email, texting/calling someone.


How many teens have received friend/follow requests from someone they don't know? 

A) 15% B) 29% C) 36%

29% of teens have gotten these requests.


It is not smart to have the same ______ for all websites.



Studies show that Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can lead to increased feelings of _______ (name at least one).

Depression, anxiety, poor body image, lower self-esteem, and loneliness. Another study showed that social media increased feelings of jealousy and envy when we compare our lives to what other people are posting in their life. 


The majority of the time the cyberbully is a stranger. (TRUE or FALSE) 

FALSE. The cyberbully is often a friend or someone they know from school or outside. According to the National Council on Crime Prevention, only 23% of the victims reported having been bullied by someone they don't know. 


How many teenagers have given out personal information online?

A) 25%  B) 36%  C) 55%

55% of teens have done this.


Name 5 tips to remain safe on social media.

Adjust your privacy settings, keep passwords strong, don't share personal details, be careful of sharing too much, be careful of over-friending, verify who you're connecting with, remember what goes online stays online, be careful with clinking links to avoid getting hacked, remember to log off when your done, and know how to block unfriendly followers. 


How is communication different when it's on social media instead of face-to-face? (Name at least one difference) 

On social media, you cannot see a person's facial expressions or hear their tone of voice. Miscommunication can occur online. Sometimes we place too much focus on the pictures we take that show how much fun we are having rather than actually focusing on having fun. 


Name 2 tips to help stop cyber bullying. 

Know that it's not your fault, don't respond or retaliate, save the evidence, tell the person to stop (if you feel comfortable and safe), reach out for help (a trusted adult), protect your accounts, stand together and support others who are being cyber bullied.


______ of teens have seen someone be mean or cruel to another person on a social media website.

A) 55%  B) 25%  C) 88%

88% of teens have seen someone be mean or cruel to another person on a social media website.