True or False
What should you do?
Friends or not friends?

High school or college admissions can look you up if your account is public.

What is true?

If your account is public, anyone can see yours posts. If there is anything inappropriate, a college or job can not want you. Be careful of what you post.


You meet someone online. They seem like a good person and are really nice to you. They want to meet up at Charlie's for lunch alone. What should you do?

What is not go?

Sometimes adults pretend to be teens and want to harm you. It is not okay to meet someone when you do not know who they really are.


Someone posted a really bad, embarrassing photo of you on SnapChat that you told them not to post. Is this person your friend? 

What is no?

A true friend would not post mean things on social media of you. Having a good sense of humor is one thing but sometimes friends can cross the line.


You text a friend something embarrassing. You delete from your messages. The text is now deleted forever and your friend can't see it.

What is false?

Just because you deleted the text from your phone does not mean it is gone from your friend's phone. Anyone can screenshot messages as well. Think before you text.


You finally got a new iPhone for the first time. You make an Instagram account. Should you make your account private or public?

What is private?

Making your account private means only the people you give access to can see your information. This is for better safety.


An online friend you have always comes to you for advice. When you text them, they never respond and avoid you on campus. Are they a true friend?

What is no?

If you feel a friendship is one sided, it might be. Being honest with our feelings in a friendship should be safe if they are truly our friend.


There are laws to protect people from bullying online. If you bully someone online or on social media you can get in trouble at school.

What it true?

There are strict laws against bullying and cyberbullying on school campuses. You can get disciplined based on the severity of the incident.


Someone posted a really mean comment on a student's picture. It seems like bullying. What should you do?

What is report it?

Reporting a situation on social media is very helpful. Make sure you screenshot the comment so there is proof that it happened. You can report to any adult at school.


A boy from class has been making fun of you in person for the last 3 months. He then posted a mean comment on your social media. One of your classmates reported it to a counselor. Is the reporter your friend?

What is yes?

Yes, the person who reported any bullying to help you would be considered a friend or a really nice person towards you.