A good way to stay safe on social media is to go under settings to set your account as this.
What is private?
The use of technology to tease, humiliate, threaten and/or harass someone.
What is cyberbullying?
A person with this characteristic appreciates what makes them unique; is realistic about strengths and challenges; and has high self-esteem and self-respect.
What is accept who they are?
What is showing care and concern for others?
We tend to compare ourselves to the perfect lives we see on social media this may hinder this important characteristic for emotional health.
These are things that aren't a good idea to include in your username, profile, or posts.
Avoiding using the internet; seeming stressed when they receive a message or text; withdrawal from family and friends; resisting attending school or other social events; lowered self-esteem; depression; declining grades; and not eating or sleeping
What are signs someone is being cyberbullied?
A person with this characteristic connects with others and treats them with respect; has people they care about, trust and depend on; and listen and share.
What is build healthy relationships?
Social media allows you to put your best self forward through the things you post, this is an example of this emotional health characteristic.
What is accepting who you are?
We cannot always guess or express tone on social media making it difficult to do this.
What is express feelings in healthy ways?
The rules/guidance some websites and apps have that require users to be a certain age.
Do not forward embarrassing photos or messages; do not comment on insulting or harassing posts; report harmful posts to website or social media platform; support a victim by being s good friend; and telling an adult
What are ways someone can stand up to cyberbullying?
A person with this characteristic tends to see the positive side of changes.
What is manages stress in healthy ways?
Social media allows us to communicate with people who are far away, which aids in this emotional health characteristic.
What is building healthy relationships?
We may have a tendency to spend too much time online and avoid talking to people IRL which can impede this skill.
It is important to think about these before you post.
What are consequences?
What percent of U.S. high school students have been cyberbullied?
A person with this characteristic manages anger and works with others to resolve problems.
What is resolves conflict in healthy ways?
You have control over what you post about yourself, allowing you to exhibit this characteristic of emotional health.
What is taking responsibility for your choices and actions?
We may find our selves using social media to escape issues we need to address, this is an example not exhibiting this important skill for maintaining emotional health.
What is managing stress in healthy ways?
Once you send an image or a message you no longer have this.
What is control?
These are three concerns unique to cyberbullying.
What is persistent, permanent, and hard to notice?
A person who believes they can affect what happens in their lives exhibits this characteristic of emotional health.
What is taking responsibility for their personal choices and actions?
Social media exposes us to different opinions and points of view which may help to build this skill.
What is dealing with conflict in healthy ways?
Blaming someone else for your problems on an online forum is an example of failing to do this.
What is taking responsibility for choices and actions?