Social Media Content
True or False

You take a selfie of yourself doing something that you enjoy. Is this okay to post?

Yes! Just be mindful of what is in the photo (school name, logos of sports teams, where you work etc.)


A ______ can cause privacy settings to change without users knowing

An app/device update


There has been a rise in online exploitation and sextortion

True- Most recent studies have shown that there has been over a 815% increase in online luring, grooming, and exploitation in the last 2 years


If someone has mutual friends with you online, it is safe to add them as your friend

False! Anyone can add anyone, just because social medial uses the label "friend" doesn't mean they are one


It is okay to tag someone in a photo without their permission

No! This is always something you should double check with someone before posting


What data can apps collect/sell to other companies?

Anything you have agreed to in the terms and conditions 

This could be: name, date of birth, email, locations, accounts you interact with, recent searches (to target ads), or interests (to customize your algorithm) 


People who target others online are almost always strangers

False- Most often it is someone you know or someone who has built a relationship with you


Strangers on the internet are the ones causing harm or looking to exploit people

Most commonly, it is someone that is close to you and you consider to be a friend. They do this as a way to gain trust and stop someone from coming forward if they have been the victim of sextortion/exploitation.


If you are making a post and tagging your location in it, what is one thing you can do to make sure it is safe before posting?

- Post after you are no longer at the location

- Be mindful of who is able to see the post/on your friends list 

- Keeping the location broad (no direct addresses)

- Not posting locations that you go to regularly (school, work, extra curriculars)


Is it possible that someone can change your location settings without you knowing on your phone


- Anyone with your passwords can change your location settings 

- If the phone was purchased by someone else, they can call the company to gain access to your location settings

- Apps can update and change your location settings


There are ways for people to save photos you send without your knowledge (even on apps like snapchat that notify you)


All it takes is another phone/device/person to record the image or video


What should you do if you are in a snapchat group chat with your friends and they keep adding other people you don't know into the group

- Talk with your friend about it

- Leave the group/block the people you don't know

- If you stay in the group: Don't put in personal information or meet up with anyone you don't know personally


It is easy to learn lots of personal information about someone from their social media accounts even if they are private


Depending on your photos/settings some things are still visible to the public

There are ways to get location details (IP addresses) from any photo that is posted

Reverse image searching makes finding places/details easier for people online


When you delete a message from your phone, it is gone forever


The message still exists in your recently deleted folder, any cloud backup your phone has, or in something called "meta data" which stores everything on the phone even if you can no longer see it


Once a picture is on the internet, there is no way to have it taken down

False- There are services that exist to help remove inappropriate underage photos/videos online. 

*It is important to note that it does not mean the photos/videos can't be saved first by individuals and re-posted*


A friend/romantic partner is asking you to send photos or videos and it is making you uncomfortable. What can you do?

- If it feels safe, say no and explain that you are not comfortable. 

- Use humour and send something else (photo of noodles), this can be a good way to deflect uncomfortable situations when you don't feel you can be direct in the moment

- Talk to an adult that you trust about this and what to do next


Using emojis over a picture you post to block something in the picture out is a way to protect your privacy

(Ex: Using an emoji to cover someone else's face)

This is untrue!

Sometimes this works, but it depends on what phone the person viewing is using and how updated it is. 

*If you do this, take a screenshot of the photo with the emoji on it first and post the screenshot-then the emoji can't be removed*


Someone is threatening to share private & intimate images/videos of you to friends, family, or post them online. What should you do?

Talk to a trusted adult- It might feel scary or embarrassing but this isn't something you can deal with alone. 

Block/stop responding immediately- Do not give in to their requests

Report to police/


People who target individuals online for exploitation are usually 10-15 years older than you

False- They are usually the same age or within 5 years of age 


Someone DM's you on Instagram saying you are pretty and they offer you a modeling job- what should you do?

Block/report- this is a very common tactic used by scammers who want information or individuals who are trying to sextort someone.

Report online sextortion/underage sexual content to