Early Social Media
Social Media Scandals and Criticisms
Future of Social Media
Mr. Waite Trivia
Facebook's founder, who also challenged Elon Musk to a Mix Martial Arts fight

Who is Mark Zuckerberg?


This world changing technology was initially released to the public in 1990 to help scientists exchange research papers.

What is the internet/World Wide Web?


Although not exclusive to Facebook, social media platforms struggle to curb the spread of this type of information.

What is Fake News or misinformation 


A major challenge facing Social media companies in the future, which involves bad actors using AI technology to create false video or audio content of notable people.

What is a deepfake?


Mr. Waite built these over the summer in his front yard.

What are garden beds?


While commonplace today, this button, which allows users to effortlessly interact with posts, was one of the key factors that lead to the success of Facebook.

What is the Like button?


This early era of the internet was characterized by text based, non-interactive websites, and static web pages that did not let users interact with each other.

What is Web 1.0


After studying the impacts of its platform on teen mental health, Facebook took this action to correct the problems it created.

What is nothing?


Although its negative impacts on this are widely known, social media companies don't seem to be able to do anything about it.

What is mental health

The postsecondary school Mr. Waite attended (there are three but you only need to name one).

U of Saskatchewan, Mount Royal, or U of Calgary


Facebook was founded by a group of students in a dorm room of this prestigious American university.

What is Harvard?


This Social Media website was the first of its kind to truly be adopted by the mainstream. After being purchased by Justin Timberlake, it changed from a social media website to a website for sharing music.

What is MySpace?


The government of this country is known to use Facebook advertising to spread misinformation and sow discord and division is society

What is Russia?


The massive warehouses that store all of the photos, posts, and, user data that power social media sites. Also a substantial energy users that pose challenges to fighting climate change.

What are data centers?


Mr. Waite competed in this category of bike racing this summer

What is Gravel racing?


Facebook is often associated with this era of the internet, which is characterized by user generated content and online interaction

What is Web 2.0?


This website became the first social media website to reach 1 million users.

What is Friendster


Its was for this reason that the general public learned about a variety of troubling aspects of Facebook, including the fact that Facebook did nothing to stop political violence spread on its platform in other countries, or stop the spread misinformation on the COVID pandemic

What is a document leak/whistleblower?


When moderating content online, social media companies have to find the right balance between allowing fake news to circulate and this.

What is free speech/free expression?


Mr. Waite competed on the glass squash court at this squash tournament in spring of 2024

What is Canadian Nationals?


Before adopting the name Facebook, Facebook's founders called the website by this name.

What is FaceMash?


Widely considered the first true social media site, this webpage was seen as ahead of its time and pioneered many aspects of social media, including friend lists, direct messages, and posts, but failed to gain a large user base and eventually folded.

What is SixDegrees?


This scandal involved a private consulting firm illegally collecting the user date of 87 million Facebook users and using their data to target political ads in the 2016 US election 

What is the Cambridge Analytica Scandal?


The proposed name for the Era of the internet that revolves around the use of cryptography and blockchain technology to promote user anonymity and and decentralization 

What is Web 3.0?


The breed of Mr. Waite's dog

What is a keeshond?