Yes, I use social networks.
No, I don't use social networks.
Do you use social networks?
I am 13 years old.
How old are you?
No, I'm not an adult. Yes, I'm a teen.
Are you a teen or an adult?
Yes, I share content on social networks that I don't want my family or teachers to see.
Do you share content on social networks that you don't want your family or teachers to see?
On my personal profil, I share my full name, photos and videos, my age, my email address and my school name.
What information do you share on your personal profil?
I usually send instant messages, often post comments on what friends have posted, post a status update, and sometimes post a photo or a video and play games.
What do you do on social networks?
I spend 1 hour and 30 minutes online per day.
How many hours do you spend online per day?
I spend 1 hour on social networks per day.
How many hours do you spend on social networks per day?
Yes, I have already been disciplined because of something I shared on a social network.
Have you ever been disciplined because of something you shared on a social network?
Yes, I have already been bullied.
Have you ever been bullied?
No, I have never accepted a friend request from a stranger.
Have you ever accepted a friend request from a stranger?