French Fries
Chicken Nuggets

You are playing with building blocks, but your friend keeps knocking over your tower. What can you tell your friend?

You could say, "I worked hard on my tower. Can you please be careful and not knock it over?"


Your friend doesn’t want to sit next to you during snack time. How can you solve this problem?

You could say, "I like sitting next to you. Can we sit together today and maybe sit apart another day?"


You are building a sandcastle, and your friend starts taking the sand without asking. What can you say to your friend?

You could say, "I’m using this sand for my castle. Can you help me build it instead?"


You are drawing a picture and your friend wants to use your favorite crayons without asking. What can you do?

You could say, "I’m using these crayons right now. Would you like to use them when I’m done?"


Your friend keeps talking while you’re trying to listen to the teacher. What can you do?

You could say, "I want to listen to the teacher. Can we talk after class?"


You are playing a board game with your friend, and they keep changing the rules. What can you do?

You could say, "Let’s play by the rules so it’s fair for both of us."


 You and your friend are deciding which game to play, but you want to play different games. How can you solve this disagreement?

You could say, "Let's play your game first, and then we can play my game after."


Your friend takes your favorite sticker from your collection without asking. What can you tell your friend?

You could say, "I really like that sticker. Can you please ask next time before taking something?"


Your friend wants to swing on the swings, but there’s only one swing available and you’re using it. What can you do?

You could say, "I’ll swing for a few more minutes, then it’s your turn."


Your friend wants to play with your new toy, but you’re not ready to share it yet. What can you tell your friend?

You could say, "I want to play with my toy a little longer. You can play with it next time."


Your friend wants to play tag, but you want to play hide and seek. How can you solve this?

You could say, "Let's play tag first, then we can play hide and seek after."


Your friend is playing with a toy you brought to school and is not giving others a chance to play with it. How can you solve this?

You could say, "Can we take turns with my toy so everyone gets a chance to play?"


Your friend gets mad and pushes you because they lost at a game. How can you handle this situation?

You could say, "It's okay to be upset, but pushing is not nice. Let's play something else."


Your friend accidentally spills your drink and doesn’t say sorry. What can you do?

You could say, "It’s okay, accidents happen. Next time, can you please say sorry and help me clean up?"


Your friend accidentally steps on your drawing and crumples it. What can you say?

You could say, "I know it was an accident, but it made me sad. Can you help me make a new one?"