That's awkward!
Out and About

You forgot your Chromebook at home, but the book you need for your next class is inside.

1. Call home and see if anyone can bring it  

2. Explain to your teacher that your Chromebook is at your house


You really want to hang out with your friend, but your parents won't let you go to your friend's house. 

1. Ask parents if the friend could come over to your house

2. Ask parents if you can go over another time this week

3. Call friend on the phone/text or play games online with friend


While eating in the cafeteria, someone tripped right next to where you were sitting. All of their food fell onto your lap making a mess on your pants. 

1. Tell the person, it's okay

2. Help them clean up the mess

3. Go to the bathroom and clean yourself off


You are in a bad mood today and your friend wants to talk to you. 

1. Explain to your friend you are feeling down

2. Ask friend to do something together that will help you feel better


You want to go to the library, but don’t have your driver’s license. 

1. Ask a friend for a ride

2. Ask mom/dad for a ride

2. Take a city bus


You feel overwhelmed with the amount of work you have to do for school. You keep turning assignments in late and forget to bring everything you need for each class you have.  

1. Ask your parents to help you get organized

2. Use a calendar/schedule to help you keep you organized

3. Make to-do list of what assignments are coming up and what supplies you need for each class


Every year at holiday dinner your grandma wants you to eat her special carrot cake that takes her hours to make. You don't like the taste of the pie. 

1. Take a slice and then put it in the trash later

2. Explain to your grandma that you are too full

3. Tell grandma that you would like some later


You feel excluded from your group of friends because they were all talking about hanging out.  No one mentioned the hang out to you. 

1.  Have a conversation with your friends, calmly ask why no one mentioned it to you

2. Explain why you are feeling left out (maybe it was just a miscommunication)


You are angry at your friend because they were gossiping about you behind your back. 

1. Tell your friend "I don't want you to talk about me behind my back, gossiping isn't what friends do." 

2. Talk to friend about how they hurt you

3. Ask your friend to stop 

Your friends invite you to the movies, but you don’t know how to get there, how much it costs, or what they want to watch. What do you do, and say?
Do: You ask your friends about which movie, if you can get a ride, how much it costs, etc. You can also look up the cost online, or ask your mom for a ride. What do you say to your friends?

Your friends are meeting at the mall but there won't be any parents there.

1. Make an excuse that you are busy that night

2. Politely decline the offer - No, thanks I can't make it tonight


Your parents keep asking you to do your chores, but you are so busy with school work and friends that you never make time to do them. 

1. Pick a day and time that you will do them each week and put it in a schedule

2. Put reminders in your phone/on sticky notes


You need to go to class, but your friend won't stop talking to you. 

1. Tell them you are late and need to go

2. Say, "Sorry, can we finish this conversation later?"


You and your friend both tried out for the school basketball team. Your friend didn't make the team but you did.

1. Talk with your friend. Sympathize with him for not making the team.

2. Do something for your friend to cheer him up (do his/her favorite activity


You need to order off the menu at McDonald’s. What do you do, and say? 

Do: you decide what you want before you get in line. You get in line, and say your order, and pay. What do you say?


You have a test tomorrow as well as a few projects due. You haven't finished the projects or studied enough for the test.

1. Talk to your parents and ask for help

2. Consider asking your teachers for an extension on the projects

3. Consider which is more important, the test or the projects and prioritize which class you need to do better in


You and your sibling get to choose where your family goes for dinner tonight. You want to go to Wendy’s but your sibling wants to go to Chipotle. 

1. Agree on a 3rd option we both like

2. Agree on letting one of you choose this time, if the other one gets to choose next time

3. Flip a coin/rock paper scissors


Your friend says “good morning” to you, but you are in a hurry and forget to say anything to them! Now they are upset. 

1. Apologize

2. Explain to your friend you were in a hurry.


Your friend just told you he/she is running for class president for the student council elections. You're disappointed because you are also running for that position.

1. Agree to both run and see who wins

2. Talk to friend, tell them how you feel

3. Run for different positions so you can both be on student council


You want to find out if Stop & Shop is hiring. What do you do, and say? 

Do: You can call or visit the store to ask. Say: You can ask if they are hiring. Who do you ask?


There is someone at school who bullies you. He/she says mean things when you walk by them in the hallway. 

1. Ignore the bully

2. Talk to your parents at home about it

3. Talk to your friends about it


Aunt Jane gives you a pair of pajamas for the holidays but you don’t like them. What do you say? Why? How will Aunt Jane feel if you tell her you don’t like them?

Say, "Thank you"

She went out of her way to buy you a gift, she would feel upset if you didn't like the pajamas


You and your friends are talking to a teacher on campus. You notice he has a piece of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of his shoe. 

1. Wait till the conversation is over and then mention it to the teacher when the other students are gone

2. Quietly tell the teacher he has toilet paper on his shoe when the other students aren't paying attention


You are feeling sick and really tired, and it’s hard to concentrate at school. What do you do, and say? 

Do: You can tell a teacher, take a break, call your ride to go home, go visit the nurse. What else can you do/say?


You forgot your money and you are already in the check-out line at the grocery store. What do you do, and say? 

Do: you can get out of line, or tell the employee that you need to come back for your items. Say: "I left my money in my car, can I save my items here and come back in a few minutes?" What else?