With Friends
Expected or Unexpected?
Big, Medium, or Small Problem
What do you say?
Tattling vs. Telling

You really wanted to try your friend's new pen so you took it when they were not looking. Now your friend is mad. What do you do?

Apologize (I am sorry that I took your pen without asking, it won't happen again.)


Picking your nose in public.



Katie promised her friend that she would go to the dance tonight, but is now feeling sick. 

Small problem - She should go home if she is to sick to go to the dance. 


Role Play: You got new seats at lunch. You do not know anyone at your table. How would you start a conversation? 

"Hi, my name is _________. What's yours? What are you going to be for Halloween?"


Jackie saw her brother hanging out with some kids at school that her mom told him to avoid.



Yesterday, your friend said something mean to you that hurt your feelings. Today, they apologize and want to be your friend again. What do you do? 

Accept the apology

Tell them you need more time


Shaking hands with a person when you are introduced.



Your mom told you not to bring your iPad to school because she was afraid it would get lost. You brought it anyway, and when you got home, you couldn't find it.

Medium Problem: You probably should not have brought your iPad to school, and may need mom's help in finding it, but this problem is not big because no one is getting hurt. 


Role Play: You broke something of your teacher's. She does not look happy. What do you say?

Ms. Teacher's Name, I am so sorry that I was not respecting your things and it broke. It won't happen again. 


A classmate was rolling his eyes at you on the bus this morning. 



You see your friend whispering to someone else and looking at you. When you come over, they stop talking. What do you do?

Let it go;

Change the topic; or

Use an I statement (I feel uncomfortable when you whisper and look at me, it makes me feel like you are talking about me.)


Leaving headphones on when someone is trying to talk to you.



Peter has to miss study hall for choir practice and he is starting to fall behind in his classes. 

Small Problem - He can solve this on his own. 

Peter can stop going to choir until his grades are better or spend some time in working lunch. 


Role Play: You were absent yesterday and when you came back to social studies, you were really confused. 

"Ms. Teacher's Name, I was absent yesterday and I am not sure where to start. Can you help me when you have a minute"


Your older sister said embarrassing things about you to her friends, they have been teasing you about it for 3 weeks.  



You see a friend handing out birthday invitations, but you do not get one. What do you do?


When you are bored in class you hum to yourself and make noises. Expected or Unexpected?



Greg went to the mall with his friends. He got lost and doesn't have a phone to contact them. 

Medium Problem: He might need an adult's help to solve this problem. He could ask a security guard or find the help desk and page his friends on the overhead. 


Role Play: You talked back to the teacher in class. She is upset and sent you to the principal's office. What do you say to your teacher when you get back to class?

"I am sorry for talking back during class, I know it was rude. It will not happen again"


Your friend told you that they were going to beat someone up after school. They ask you to help. 



You heard from one friend that another friend was talking bad about you behind your back. What do you do?

This is a rumor. It might not be true. You can:

Let it go; talk to your friend that might be saying mean things; ask your friend that is gossiping to please stop 


When having a conversation with your friends, you continue to talk without giving them time to share. Expected or Unexpected?



You were really nervous while giving your speech in LA class. You messed up your whole presentation and feel embarrassed. 

Small Problem 


Two of your friends are planning to hang out after school without you. This makes you feel jealous and left out. What do you say? 

"Hey, I heard you were going to McDonalds after school. Can I come with?"

While taking a test, a classmate keeps looking over at your paper for the answers.