Environment, Housing, Property
Criminal Justice
Cybersecurity and Cyberethics
Ageism and Ableism
Complex Systems

According to Atkinson, et al, an increase in consumer waste can be attributed to one of these factors:

What are conspicuous consumption, planned obsolescence, and/or perceived obsolescence? 


This type of human behavior can involve a criminal act, but more often it is not an act that is criminal in nature. 

What is deviance/social deviance?


The movement that seeks to use technology to help humans transcend biological limitations is called:

What is, transhumanism?


Excluding the experiences of individuals with disabilities in language, public spaces, and media representation is referred to as: 

What is, ableism?


These institutions are funded by tax bases in their immediate vicinities, which can often lead to inequality among them. 

What are, public schools?


This type of energy has recently become competitive with fossil fuels in the energy market. 

What is renewable energy?


In Chapter 9, Atkinson, et al, explain that six states and the District of Columbia have legalized this controversial practice. 

What is, physician-assisted suicide?


In Chapter 10, Atkinson, et al, refer to "the attempt by a state or organization to attack a nation’s computer or information systems," which is called:

What is, cyber warfare?


In Chapter 6, Atkinson, et al, cite the World Bank data on aging populations. The three nations with the oldest median age are: 

What are, Japan, Italy, and Germany?*

*Covid may have changed these projections in Italy, especially. 


Childhood obesity is a social issue affected and influenced by several systems. Name three overlapping systems that factor into childhood obesity. 

Any of the systems we discussed in this mod -- technology, food policy, education, healthcare -- or others you can think of are acceptable answers. 


Pesticides, herbicides, industrial manufacturing chemicals, and aging equipment (such as pipes) are all types of:

What are environmental contaminants or environmental pollutants?


Classical criminology focused on biology as being the primary impetus for criminal activity. Contemporary criminologists, instead, look to these factors:

What are, factors of environment, culture, poverty, collective and individual trauma?


Hypermodernists take the position that these items of culture do not belong to anyone, and can be repurposed at will. 

What is/are, signs, symbols of culture, tokens, gifs, memes, any product or artwork, any composition. 


Disabilities can be visible or invisible. These are examples of an invisible disability:

What are, mental illness, cognitive or developmental impediments, (some) speech or hearing limitations, chronic pain, etc. 


According to Atkinson, et al, education is different from schooling in these ways:

Education can take place anywhere and may be a means to various ends, or no particular ends. Schooling is a formal process in which all students learn the same materials, usually by the same methods, to a particular end (e.g. a grade).


In 2014, this city's elected officials changed the source of their drinking water, resulting in a potable water crisis. 

What is, Flint, Michigan?


When a developing child does not bond to their caregivers, they may grow up to display this type of behavior. 

What is/are, anti-social/attachment disorder/sociopathic tendencies?


In 2016, the Justice Department employed an Australian hacking firm to do this. 

What is, unlock a suspected shooter's iPhone/unlock an iPhone/access the San Bernardino shooters' iPhone contacts?


According to Atkinson, et al, "ageism also manifests as a gendered phenomenon" because men and women are valued for these traits, respectively: 

Men are valued for their performance, whereas women are valued for their appearance.


The term for physicians codifying behaviors previously thought of as "sinful" or "amoral" (e.g. drug use) is called:

What is, medicalization?


Antibiotic resistance in humans has been ascribed to two primary factors, which are:

What are, the over-prescription of antibiotics by physicians; and the secondary ingestion of antibiotics in beef, dairy, and/or other animal products. 


One reason juveniles are more likely to age out of criminal activity has to do with the later development of this part of the brain, which governs impulse control. 

What is, the pre-frontal cortex?


In recent years, social media has been used as a method for identifying private individuals who were recorded behaving badly in public spaces. Once identified, social media users often petition the individual's employer to convince them to fire the person. Name one of the people who have lost their jobs in this manner. 

Who is, "The Costco Guy," Daniel Maples (or choose any).  


A proven method for helping to change social perceptions around marginalized individuals is: 

What is, greater visibility/more representation/equity and inclusion/"nothing about us without us", etc. 


Give an example of a multi-system problem with a multi-system solution. 

This could be anything we have discussed this term!