Miscellaneous terms
Conflict in Groups
Attribution Process
Review material
Extra Terms
we learn by watching others called models
What is observational learning
Group that one belongs to and indentifies with
What is ingroup
Tendency to blame victims for their misfortune, so that one feels less likely to be victimized in a similar way.
What is Just World Bias aka: Defensive Attribution
Tell the truth after any deception is used in research once the study is over and share results
What is debriefing
The more one is exposed to something, the more one will come to like it. Ex: You are more likely to buy product you have heard of before
What is Mere Exposure Effect
We tend to think these types of people are more friendly, warm, more competent. They get better jobs and lesser sentences in court
What is physically attractive people
Belief that one’s culture is superior to others
What is ethnocentrism 
Inferences that people draw about the causes of events, others' behavior, and their own behavior.
What are attributions
how you draw the sample of people for your study
What is Random selection
People perform tasks BETTER in front of an AUDIENCE than they do when they are alone.
What is Social Facilitation
I knew it all along, I could have guessed that was going to happen
What is Hindsight bias
Attitude or thought. Negative thought/feelings about a person simply because of their membership in particular group
What is prejudice
Ascribing the causes of behavior to personal dispositions, traits, abilities, and feelings. Is this internal or external attribution?
What is an internal attribution
means results are probably not due to chance 
What is statistical significance 
Tendency for people to overestimate the number of people who agree with them. We think everyone likes/hates same as us
What is False Consensus Effect
We assume others will help
What is diffusion of responsibility
Widely held beliefs that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group.
What is stereotypes
Used when we try to explain our success and failure. We attribute our successes to personal factors and failures to situational factors.
What is self-serving bias
Variable in research that is observed to see if it is affected by the independent variable
What is dependent variable
Being watched by others HURTS performance when the task being observed is a difficult one rather than a simple, well-practiced skill.
What is Social Inhibition
Tendency to only seek info that is likely to support one's decisions and beliefs
What is confirmation Bias
Action or behavior. Behave differently to person because of their group membership
What is discrimination
UNDERESTIMATE the importance of situational factors when explaining other people's behaviors and OVERESTIMATING the importance of personal factors
What is fundamental Attribution Error
The variable that goes on the x axis of a bar graph
What is the independent variable
Loss of self-restraint that occurs when group members feel anonymous and alert. Sometimes people get swept up by a group and do things they never would have done if on their own such as looting or rioting
What is Deindividualism