Theory that we explain someone’s behavior by crediting either the situation
Attribution Theory
This is when you agree to one small request that can lead to larger requests
Foot in the Door phenomenon
Norms are ...
Understood rules for accepted, expected, and “proper” behavior.
Tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable
Social Loafing
Perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas
Tendency for those acting in a situation to attribute their behavior to external causes, but for observers to attribute others’ behavior to internal causes which contributes to the fundamental attribution error
Actor-Observer bias
Set of expectations (norms) about a social position, defining how those in the position ought to behave
A person's role
Mr. Willson's best friend dresses in lululemon everyday, as a result, Mr. Willson dresses in Lululemon everyday. What is this known as.
The Chameleon Effect
a place with clearly defined and reliably imposed norms
Tight cultural norms
Unselfish regard for the welfare of others
What 2 things do Social psychologists study?
Personality and Social behaviors
This guy had a famous experiment involving "prisoners" at Stanford University.
Phillip Zimbardo
influence resulting from a person’s desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval is called
Normative Social Influence
Jada is in the student section at a basketball game. Normally she is very calm and collected. But the ref just made a terrible call! The student section starts yelling insults at the ref and Jada, normally calm, joins in knowing that she will be mostly anonymous while she does this because everyone else is doing it. What is this?
Oh no! Troy dropped all his books in the library. George seeing trouble came to help pick them up. George goes to walk away but then he too drops his books! He turns to Troy, awaiting his help in return. What is this called when George is expecting help in return for what he did.
This is a generalized belief about a group of people
Jimmy believes he is a hardworking person. He has to fold his clothes, but he sits around watching TV. As a result, he puts the clean clothes back into the washing machine to trick his wife into thinking he does not has any clothes to fold. Afterwards Jimmy felt guilty about being lazy, what is this?
Cognitive Dissonance
influence resulting from one’s willingness to accept others’ opinions about reality
Informational Social Influence
Olivia is doing a group project. She believes that everyone else in her group is wrong about a question they are answering, but she does not want to go against the group so does not say anything. What is this?
John has a test today. He keeps on telling himself "I am going to pass" and has been extremely positive all day about it. What is this called
self- full filling prophecy
The way we form impressions of ourselves and others is called...
Person perception
What happened to the guards in the Stanford prison experiment?
They became more aggressive towards the prisoners, gaining domineering attitudes towards them even if they believed they were passive people.
Mr. Willson friends are all going to the basketball game dressed as the Lorax. Not wanting to be different from the group, Mr. Willson also dressed as a Lorax. This is an example of what.
The three things that influence aggression
genetics, neural activity, and biochemistry.
Quinten and Blake were playing a 1v1 game of basketball. Every time Blake had the ball, it was his goal to score, but Quinten would always prevent him from achieving that goal. This made Blake very frustrated until, SNAP!, Blake tries to fight Quinten. What principle would explain this happening?
Frustration-aggression principle