The Self
Social Cognition
Zhong & Devoe
Grant (2021)

A schema about yourself that contains all knowledge/Overall perception, and understanding of oneself.

What is self-concept


These mental structures help us organize and interpret social information.

What are schemas?


The study investigates how exposure to fast-food symbols influences this personality trait

What is impatience?


This mindset, described by Grant, involves defending existing beliefs as if they are absolute truths; adopting an "I'm right!" mindset. We go into this mode when our sacred beliefs are in jeopardy. 

What is preacher mode?


The nun/rock musician was upset about the amount of alcohol being served at the party.

What is schemas?


The idea that individuals understand themselves by observing their own behavior, especially when internal cues are weak.

What is self-perception theory?


A psychological phenomenon where expectations about a person or event cause it to come true.

What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?


In one experiment, participants exposed to fast-food logos read a passage significantly faster than the control group. What was the dependent variable?

What is reading speed?


A cognitive bias where people with low ability overestimate their competence.

What is the Dunning-Kruger effect/armchair quarterback?


Elementary school children took a fake IQ test and teachers are led to expect some students to have an intellectual growth spurt. 

What is self-fulfilling prophecy? 


This theory suggests that we learn about ourselves by imagining how others see us.

What is the looking-glass self?


This heuristic involves classifying things according to how similar they are to the typical case

What is the availability heuristic?


In Experiment 2, participants were primed to think about either a time they ate at a fast-food restaurant or a time they went grocery shopping. Those in the fast-food condition showed a greater preference for these types of products.

What are time-saving products?


When a core belief is questioned, though, we tend to shut down rather than open up; This term describes the ego’s role in distorting reality to maintain a positive self-image. 

What is totalitarian ego


Participants were children trick-or-treating and advised by the homeowner to take one piece of candy. The presence of a mirror impacted whether or not children took one or more pieces of candy. 

What is self-awareness theory?


The idea that people perceive arousal and then attempt to explain it

Emotional stimulus --> physiological arousal --> experienced emotion 

What is the two factor theory of emotion?


This cognitive shortcut is used when people classify something based on how similar it is to a typical case.

What is the representativeness heuristic?


In Experiment 3, participants primed with fast-food logos were given a choice between receiving $3 immediately or a larger amount in a week. Compared to the control group, they were more likely to choose this option.

What is the smaller immediate payment?


This psychological tendency causes people to believe they understand complex topics better than they actually do.

What is the illusion of explanatory depth?


In a study, participants were asked to eat either radishes or cookies before attempting to solve an impossible anagram task. Those who ate radishes gave up significantly faster than those who ate cookies, suggesting that their self-control had already been drained. This concept explains why.

What is ego depletion?


A process where people create obstacles to success to protect their self-esteem from potential failure.

What is self-handicapping?


The process where exposure to a stimulus influences behavior or thought in an unconscious way.

What is priming?


This psychological concept explains how exposure to fast-food symbols can unconsciously influence behavior in unrelated areas.

What is behavioral priming?


According to Grant, this type of conflict can improve group performance by encouraging debate and critical thinking, while this other type of conflict tends to be destructive

What is task conflict (beneficial) and relationship conflict (destructive)?


Even though Maya graduated at the top of her class and landed a great job, she constantly feels like she doesn’t deserve her success. She worries that one day, her boss and coworkers will realize she’s not as competent as they think. This psychological phenomenon explains her self-doubt.

What is imposter syndrome?