The Self
Cultural Differences and Norms
Group Dynamics

The six basic emotions according to Ekman include Anger, Fear, Sadness, Surprise, happiness, and this.

What is Disgust?


Within a family, _______ siblings tend to rebel more and behave less conventionally.

What are younger siblings?


While the west places high importance on individualism, the east prefers to emphasize strong family relationships and this.

What is community?


Much of our bias towards perceived outgroups comes from almost instantaneous judgments made by this system.

What is the Associative System?


A display of this would involve someone helping another survive, even at the expense of their own fitness.

What is Altruism?

Cultural "guidelines" that determine when and how to express emotions are called these.

What are Display Rules?


One's personality can be described as a measure of these, including Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

What are the Big 5?


Jeannie Tsai's research shows that eastern and western cultures have different forms of this, or the type of positive emotions they aim to feel.

What is ideal affect?


This is a "game" in which participants can choose to either defect or cooperate with others in an attempt to minimize their own reward or punishment.

What is the Prisoner's Dilemma?


This fallacy can lead to evolution and the "survival of the fittest" being used as justifications for harmful things such as capitalism and genocide.

What is the Naturalistic Fallacy?


Mistakenly directing emotion towards a source of possible arousal, such as during the Love on a Bridge study, can also be known as this.

What is Misattribution?


One may have several of these stored mentally in order to create a cognitive understanding of how they perceive themself in various situations.

What are self-schemas?


These, also called prescriptive norms, describe rules and practices that people should or are expected to follow.

What are Injunctive Norms?


This method can be used to explore the conditions under which one will favor their own group at the expense of other outgroups.

What is the Minimal Group Paradigm?


Women tend to be choosier when looking for a mate than men because, from an evolutionary perspective, they have a much larger investment in this.

What is reproduction?


According to Nietzsche, “the mouth may lie, but the _____ makes it tell the truth.”

What is the face?


This factor referring to the formative years of one's life is said to have a very significant impact on one's view of themselves and others.

What is one's upbringing?


This theory by Eagly and Wood states that men and women are raised to be culturally different, even within the same society.

What is Social Structural Theory?


This phenomenon describes people's tendency to believe that their own ingroup is much more diverse than other outgroups.

What is The Outgroup Homogeneity Effect?


Males may engage in this and be more prone to jealousy because they want to ensure that offspring are actually theirs so they can pass on genetic information.

What is mate guarding?


This states that it is important for different emotions to appear different on our faces so that we can distinguish between them.

What is the Principle of Antithesis?


According to Leary, this states that our self-esteem is based on how we think others view us and how likely they are to include us.

What is the sociometer hypothesis?


College students drinking alcohol because they assume it is the norm when it truly is not is an example of this.

What is Pluralistic Ignorance?


This refers to one's belief that others in their group are paying more attention to them than they actually are.

What is the spotlight effect?


Darwin proposed this principle to explain how our physical responses when expressing certain emotions may also benefit us evolutionarily.

What is the Principle of Serviceable Associated Habits?