Attitudes and Behaviours
Stanford Prison Experiment
Obedience and Conformity
Group Behaviours
General Trivia

Attributions, in psychology terms, is a way of determining the ________ of a person's behaviour.

What is the cause?

What we believe and think about a particular thing, object, person, or phenomenon.

What is an attitude?


This psychologist at Stanford ran the Prison Experiment. 

Who is (Philip) Zimbardo?


This man's shock experiment uncovered some dark realizations of our ability to obey authority to the point of potentially killing a complete stranger.

Who is (Stanley) Milgram?


The Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster of 1986 was partly caused by this psychological phenomenon, when people focus on group unity more than the task at hand.

What is groupthink?


He played Don Draper in the hit HBO show Mad Men.

Who is Jon Hamm?


There are two types of attributions: situational, where we attribute to the person's situation, and ________, where we attribute to the person's traits, personality, and demeanour to explain their behaviour.

What is dispositional?


Our actions in real life are referred to by this term.

What are behaviours?

The experiment was ended after this many days, well short of the intended length of time, 14 days. 

What is six(6)?


This man's study on conformity used confederates in a group to provide wrong answers to obvious questions about the length of lines. 

Who is (Solomon) Asch?

This is the term that explains that some people don't do their part in group tasks because they believe that the group will be judged as whole, rather than individual performances.

What is social loafing?


When cooking, combining butter and flour creates this, used for thickening sauces.

What is a roux?


When we overemphasize a person's disposition, instead of their situation, this psychological phenomenon has occurred.

What is the Fundamental Attribution Error?
When our attitudes and behaviours are not aligned, it causes this psychological discomfort.

What is cognitive dissonance?


The SPE was intended to explain how role playing affects our behaviour. In other words, it was trying to show that our _________ affect our _________. 

(the order of terms has to be correct)

What are actions and attitudes? (in that order!)


When instances of conformity are considered involuntary and automatic, we assign the term automatic ________ to them. Yawning is an example!

What is mimicry?

When getting caught up in the mob mentality of riots, or mosh pits in concerts, we use this term to explain what happens to people.

What is deindividuation?


He is the all-time leader in points in the NBA.

Who is LeBron James?

When we explain our own behaviour, we are more likely to attribute it to our __________.

What is situation?


When our attitudes align with our behaviours, it's called this, the opposite of cognitive dissonance.

What is cognitive consistency?


The SPE has been criticized over the years. One critique is that it had a very low ___________ (two words), leading to issues in validity and reliability. 

What is sample size?


We use this term to explain the "correct" or "normal" way of acting in a given social situation.

What is a social norm?


Group polarization explains that when like-minded groups of people get together, their views are likely to become even more ________.

What is extreme?

This chess piece can move in an L-shape, even over other pieces.

What is a knight?


Collectivist cultures tend to not fall victim to the FAE, their focus is group unity and allegiance, and they tend to blame ________ for their mistakes.

What is themselves?


This is the name of the researcher who in 1957, is credited with Cognitive Dissonance Theory.

Who is (Leon) Festinger?


Participants were offered this much money per day for two weeks to participate in the study.

What is $15 a day?



This fraction is used to describe how many "teachers" were willing to administer 450V of electricity to the "learner" in Milgram's study.


Social facilitations tells us that experts' performances on tasks _________ when being watched or judged.

What is increases?


This is the only US state whose name begins with a "P."

What is Pennsylvania?