Attribution and Perception
Group Influence
Social Psychology Experiments
Conflict and Peacemaking

In Japan, people tend to prioritize group harmony and the needs of the collective over individual desires. This reflects what type of culture?

What is collectivist culture


Lisa believes that all elderly people are bad at using technology, even though she has met some who are quite skilled. What term describes this type of overgeneralized belief?

What is stereotypes


While working on a group project, Mark puts in less effort than he would if he were working alone because he assumes others will pick up the slack. What psychological phenomenon is he demonstrating?

What is social loafing


This study randomly placed participants in the roles of "guards" and "prisoners"

Who is Philip Zimbardo and roles


After seeing someone drop their groceries, Emma immediately rushes to help them pick everything up, expecting nothing in return. This behavior is known as 

What is altruism


After losing a tennis match, Alex tells his friends that the sun was in his eyes and the referee made bad calls. But when he wins, he claims it was due to his talent and hard work. What bias is Alex demonstrating?

What is self-serving bias


After losing his job, Tom starts blaming immigrants for taking all the opportunities, even though there is no real evidence for his claim. What theory explains this tendency to blame others for one’s problems?

What is scapegoat theory


During a high-energy protest, people in the crowd start engaging in vandalism even though they normally wouldn’t act that way alone. Their loss of self-awareness and sense of responsibility is an example of what phenomenon?

What is deindividuation 

participants were instructed to deliver increasingly severe electric shocks to a "learner." This experiment is 

Who is Stanley Milgram and obedience


While walking through a crowded park, John sees someone collapse but assumes that someone else will call for help, so he does nothing. What psychological phenomenon explains why people are less likely to help in large groups?

What is the bystander effect


Maria believes that her success in school is due to her hard work and intelligence, while her friend thinks that luck and an easy grading system helped her pass. Maria has what type of locus of control?

What is internal locus of control 


Despite clear evidence that climate change is real, Mark feels uncomfortable because he drives a gas-guzzling car. He justifies his behavior by arguing that individual actions don’t matter much. What psychological theory explains his behavior?

What is cognitive dissonance 


A jury begins deliberations with mixed opinions, but after discussing the case, they come to an extreme, unanimous decision. The jury is exhibiting 

What is group polarization 

This famous experiment involved participants giving incorrect answers about line lengths due to peer pressure

Who is Solomon Asch and conformity


When a company pollutes a river to maximize its profits, but this leads to long-term harm for both the company and the community, what concept explains this short-term self-interest leading to long-term collective harm?

What is a social trap 


After performing poorly on a test, Jake comforts himself by comparing his score to a classmate who did even worse. What psychological strategy is he using to protect his self-esteem?

What is downward social comparison 


When asked to sign a small petition for environmental protection, Jake agrees. Later, he is more likely to donate money to the cause when asked. What persuasion technique is being used?

What is foot-in-the-door phenomenon 


Two people who spend more and more time together, sharing personal stories and supporting each other, develop a deep emotional connection that evolves into a strong, lasting bond. This is known as 

What is companionate love


A third-grade teacher divided her class by eye color, claiming the brown eyed students were more superior than the blue eyed students

Who is Jane Elliot and prejudice/discrimination/stereotypes/racism


Two rival groups of employees see each other as lazy, selfish, and untrustworthy while viewing their own group as hardworking and fair. This is known as

What is mirror-image perceptions


When Sarah sees a coworker miss a deadline, she assumes they are lazy and irresponsible, without considering that they might be dealing with personal challenges or an overwhelming workload. What social psychology concept explains Sarah's logic? 

What is fundamental attribution error


Jake, a college student, believes that all members of a rival fraternity are arrogant and unfriendly, while he sees members of his own fraternity as having diverse personalities. What cognitive bias is he demonstrating?

What is out-group homogeniety bias


In an office meeting, everyone agrees with the boss's decision without questioning it, even though some team members privately have doubts. This is an example of what group phenomenon?

What is groupthink


This experiment demonstrated that when people are forced to act in a way that contradicts their beliefs, they experience psychological discomfort, leading them to change their attitudes to align with their actions.

Who is Leon Festinger and cognitive dissonance


Two competing political parties, locked in a long-standing rivalry, decide to work together to address a national crisis that affects everyone. Their cooperation is an example of what conflict resolution strategy?

What is superordinate goals