It is when one performs better in front of an audience than she would alone.
social facilitation?
It's power to influence behavior was displayed when students at Stanford agreed to be part of a 2 week prison experiment.
roles also environment
He created an experiment to determine how willing people are to follow an authority figure.
Stanley Milgram?
When one makes a "mental videotape" of how one should act in a certain situation, she is creating this.
What are social scripts also schemas
It is when a group of like-minded people get together to discuss an issue, and they think more and more extreme.
group polarization
According to the actor-observer bias if we are the ones doing the action, we tend to emphasize these.
external factors aka as situational factors
It is displayed when someone who is suffering from very high temperatures has little patience and resorts to violence.
What is the frustration-aggression principle?
It is when people in a group may privately be concerned about an issue, but in order to avoid conflict, they do not express their concern.
An example is when one asks his parent do borrow the keys to pick something up at the store, then calls and says since he is already out, can he keep the car for a few hours?
What is foot-in-the-door?
It is the kind of influence that is displayed when someone decides to turn on their car lights because several other people do it.
informational social influence also conformity
Marti compares how far they have come in Math since 9th grade to 12th.
Temporal Comparison
It's when someone on a team decides not to put too much effort into something, because his partners will do it for him.
social loafing
He was the person who conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment.
Who is Philip Zimbardo?
Joe believes his friend's failure is due to his friends laziness.
Fundamental attribution error
kind of Actor observer bias
An example is when normally shy and reserved Sam went to a concert and lost himself in the crowd, dancing and singing at the top of his lungs.
Daxy believes their success in school is due to personal characteristics and a failure due to external factors
Self-serving bias
What route in the Elaboration Likelihood Model is Bilbo using when he is making decisions with logic?
(Elaboration Likelihood Mode)