Group Influence
Attitudes and Actions
Social Influence
How we feel about others

This is a factor affecting conformity, making it more likely that people will conform when there are more people present.

What is group size?


This was displayed by the participants in Asch's conformity experiment who gave the wrong answer even though they knew it was wrong.

What is normative influence?

He created an experiment to determine how willing people are to follow an authority figure.
Who is Stanley Milgram?

It is generally described as a negative attitude towards a group of people.

What is prejudice?


This is displayed when someone says to themselves: "I won the match! It must be because I'm talented and train so much harder than other people."

What is self-serving bias? 


This is a factor affecting conformity, making it more likely that people will conform when everyone gives the same answer.

What is unanimity?

If we are the ones doing the action, we tend to emphasize these.
What are external factors?
It is what happens when someone alters their actions or thoughts to fit in with a group of peers.
What is conformity?

This theory could be illustrated by a person who says "She's running late. She's so careless and irresponsible."

What is the fundamental attribution error?


This is displayed when someone arrives late and says to themselves "It wasn't my fault. The traffic was terrible."

What is actor-observer bias OR self-serving bias?

It is when people may privately be concerned about an issue, but in order to avoid conflict, they do not express their concern.
What is groupthink?
An example is when one asks his parent do borrow the keys to pick something up at the store, then calls and says since he is already out, can he keep the car for a few hours?
What is foot-in-the-door?
It is the kind of influence that is displayed when someone decides to turn on their car lights because several other people do it.
What is informational social influence?
It was displayed when a blue-eyed boy in Mrs. Elliott's class said that she should keep her yard stick close by in case the brown-eyed kids acted up.
What is in-group bias?

This is displayed when someone treats a person differently because they belong to a particular group.

What is discrimination?

It's when someone decides not to put too much effort into something, because his partners will do it for him.
What is social loafing?

He was the person who conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment.

Who is Philip Zimbardo?

His study focused on whether or not a person would change their answer to an obvious question if he saw his peers provide the wrong answer.
Who was Solomon Asch?

It is when a person forms his or her opinion of a person based on one positive attribute, such as their appearance.

What is the halo effect?


This is displayed when people in a minority group fail to achieve high marks at school because there is a stereotype that they're not smart.

What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?

An example is when normally shy and reserved Sam went to a concert and danced and sang at the top of his lungs.
What is deindividuation?
Also known as internal attribution, this is what it is called when someone attributes an action to personal characteristics.
What is dispositional attribution?
It is the percentage of people who were willing to deliver a shock at the highest intensity when told to do so by an experimenter.
What is 66%?

An example of this attribute would be if a person walks in to a new job confidently, with shoulders back and taking long strides.

What is body language?


This is the way in which we form impressions of people based on our first encounter with them.

What is person perception?