caleb is in school primarily because he enjoys learning. What form of motivation is this?

What is internal motivation


In a research experiment which variable is manipulated by the researcher?

What is independent variable?


Effortless and nonconscious thoughts are known as?

Automatic Thoughts


PRocess of how we form impressions and make inferences about others?

What is social perception?

chris is late to class and his teacher thinks he isn't motivated for class without realizing he got called into work for an emergency. What is the teacher doing?

What is fundamental attribution error?

Eric says to himself "I am a good person because I take care of my responsibilities and treat others with respect." this is an example of his?
What is self-concept

Form of research looking at the strength of relationship between two variables?

What is correlational?


What are more effortful and planned thoughts?

What are controlled thoughts?


Mr Kelly heads to South Africa and throws up the rock on sign from a tour boss to some passerby not realizing this means something offensive in their country. His misuse of this gesture is an example of?

What is an emblem?


MR Kelly likes Nick's hat so he says to himself "I'm going to go buy that hat" This is an example of?

WHat is indirect social influence?


A teacher tells their elementary school children that they can all go to college someday. They all believe her and most then go on to college. This is an example of?

What is self-fulfilling prophecy?


Dr Sarah observes a group of children on the playground to study gender differences in aggression. This is what type of research method?

What is observational?


Craig has had bad experiences with dentists over the years and so he has a negative lens for all dentists. This is an example of his?

What is a schema?

Anthony reads tabloid magazines to feel better about his life. He says "at least I do not have that many problems." This is an example of?

What is downward social comparison?


Savannah steals some chips from the store and then feels discomfort since this is something she would not normally do. This feeling of discomfort would be?

What is cognitive dissonance?


Using filters to change one's online profile picture would be an example of?

What is impression management?


WHat is the best way to attempt to get a representative survey sample within a population?

What is a random sampling?


Mr Kelly took his daughter to her new day care the week before she started to give her a good idea of what to expect. THis is an example of what strategy to increase accessibility?

What is priming?


An example where a young person adopts their parents political beliefs and opinions would be an example of?

What is social tuning?


Your friend Tom believes that the moon landing was a hoax and continues to send you articles that only support their position but ignore all other opinions. THis is an example of?

What is confirmation bias?


Since Alan has been killin it at the local karoake bar he decides to try out for american idol. This is an example of?

What is overconfidence barrier?


What are four components of ethics?

Informed consent, confidentiality, deception, debrief


Donnie keeps thinking about how perhaps if he would have done something differently his wife would not have left him. He is engaging in what type of thinking?

What is counterfactual thinking?

selecting what information you believe to be most important from a news story would be an example of?

What is perceptual saliency?


Just because Andrea is a teenager people assume she is addicted to social media. This is an example of which mental heuristic?

What is representative heuristic?