Who Are You?
You Need an Attitude Change
Yet Another Group Project
Pride and Prejudice
You're So Attractive
War and Peace

This theory that addresses the question of how people make judgments about the causes of behavior.

What is attribution?


This ad uses which route to persuade you to buy Burger King fries?

What is central?


occurs when a group of well-intentioned people makes irrational or non-optimal decisions spurred by the urge to conform

What is groupthink?


Girls are well behaved.

Boys act out.

What are stereotypes?


This refers to the geographic nearness to someone.

What is proximity?


The selfless concern for the well-being of others.

What is altruism?


The tendency to attribute behavior to personal causes without regard to situational influences.

What is fundamental attribution error?


This refers to the inconsistency between what people believe and how they behave motivates people to engage in actions that will help minimize feelings of discomfort.

What is cognitive dissonance?


the tendency of individuals to put forth less effort when they are part of a group.

What is social loafing


Girls should not play sports.

Boys should be the only people playing sports.

What is prejudice?


The first thing we see when forming a first impression.

What is physical attractiveness (looks)?


A group of people don't give up their seat to a man using crutches.

What is an example of bystander effect?


In the 1960s, he did the shock experiment to test why we obey authority.

Who is Stanley Milgram?


This ad uses what route to persuasion to convince you to buy their mascara?

What is peripheral?


Members of decision-making groups to shift toward more extreme views in whatever direction they were initially leaning .

What is group polarization?


A law goes into effect which bans women from playing sports.

What is discrimination?


A state of intense longing for union with another.

What is passionate love?


Mo gets upset because Larry cut him off in traffic. Mo pulls up beside Larry to yell and him.

What is an example of frustration-aggression?


He designed the line experiment to learn more about under what circumstances we conform.

Who is Solomon Asch?


Shamwow thinks if you will watch their demonstration, you will be more likely to buy their product. What compliance technique is used?

What is foot-in-the-door?


as improvement or decrease in individual performance when working with other people rather than alone.

What is social facilitation?


Preference for one's own social, religious, ethnic, or national group.

What is ingroup bias?


This type of love involves caring deeply for the other person, truly knowing the other individual, and is committed to the other person through both good times and bad

What is companionate love?


Occurs when at least one person has a false belief in another person or group. They treat this person or group as if the belief is true.

What is self-fulfilling prophesy?


This psychologist performed the prison experiment to see to what extent social roles play in our behavior.

Who is Philip Zimbardo?


A compliance technique in which refusal of a large unreasonable request is followed by a smaller, more reasonable request.

What is door-in-the-face technique?



phenomenon in which people engage in seemingly impulsive, deviant, and sometimes violent acts in situations in which they believe they cannot be personally identified

What is deindividuation?


The tendency to blame someone else for one's own problems, a process that often results in feelings of prejudice toward the person or group that one is blaming.

What is scapegoat?


A prediction that causes itself to become true.

Ex. when a teacher holds expectations for students, which through social interaction, causes the students to behave in such a manner as to confirm the originally false expectation.  

What is self-fulfilling prophesy?


Two students cheat on an exam and both get a good grade, but the teacher finds out, and gives the students a zero.

What is an example of social trap?