Social Influence
Social Behaviour
Cooperation & Altruism
Understanding People
The tendency to do what powerful people tell us to do.
What is obedience?
The study of the causes and consequences of sociality.
What is social psychology?
A behavior that benefits another without benefiting oneself.
What is altruism?
The processes by which people come to understand others.
What is social cognition?
The process by which attitudes or beliefs are changed by appeals to reason.
What is systematic persuasion?
Behaviour by two or more individuals that leads to mutual benefits.
What is cooperation?
The act of helping strangers in an emergency situation.
What is bystander intervention?
The process by which people draw inferences about others based on their knowledge of the categories to which others belong.
What is stereotyping?
A phenomenon that occurs when another person's behaviour provides information about what is true.
What is informational influence?
The hypothesis that suggests that animals aggress when their desires are frustrated? For example: the robber wants the money (desire) but the teller has it all locket up (frustration), so the robber threatens the teller with a gun (aggression).
What is frustration-aggression hypothesis?
The tendency for people to expend less effort when in a group than alone.
What is social loafing?
An inference about the causes of people’s behaviours.
What is attribution?
An unpleasant state that arises when a person recognises the inconsistency of his or her actions attitudes or beliefs.
What is cognitive dissonance?
The tendency for groups to make decisions that are more extreme than any member would have made alone.
What is group polarisation?
A behavior that benefits another with the expectation that those benefits will be returned in the future.
What is reciprocal altruism?
The tendency to make a dispositional attribution when we should instead make a situational attribution.
What is Fundamental Attribution Error/Correspondence Bias?
A technique that involves making a small request and following it with a larger request.
What is foot-in-the-door technique?
The tendency for individuals to feel diminished responsibility for their actions when they are surrounded by others who are acting the same way.
What is diffusion of responsibility?
The process by which evolution selects for individuals who cooperate with their relatives.
What is kin selection?
The tendency to make situational attributions for our own behaviours while making dispositional attributions for the identical behaviour of others.
What is actor-observer effect?