What are some benefits of having friends?
Higher-functioning immune system, better self-esteem, lower rates of anxiety and depression, a happier, more optimistic outlook, longer life expectancy, stronger emotional regulation skills, improved cognitive function and more empathy and feelings of trust toward others.
What should you do if you find yourself being negatively influenced?
Find a new activity or friends, or use refusal skills.
True or false: Your behavior is always influencing others.
True or false: You should do whatever the rest of your group is doing even if you are against it.
False - If you don't feel comfortable doing it, don't.
How many months this year have 28 days in them?
Is it normal for friendships to change?
One dating responsibility.
Respect your partner, have responsibility for actions, trust your partner and don’t lie, be a reliable partner, care about your partner and be fair and kind.
Bribes, threats, teasing or name-calling.
What should you do to be assertive?
Behave with confidence, clearly state your intentions, and make sure your body language matches your words (staring at the floor or shifting your weight from foot to foot won’t seem assertive).
What shape are Mrs. Castro's desks?
Hexagons (not triangles!)
One quality of a friend.
Trust, reliability, empathy, care, and respect.
What's the main advantage of going out in a group?
There is almost always someone who will start up a conversation, and you can practice your social skills.
True or false: Peer pressure can have positive or negative effects.
What is the acronym for refusal skills?
How long is a fortnight?
14 days.
One way to make new friends.
What is a clique?
Groups of friends that hang out together.
What is peer pressure?
The influence to go along with the beliefs and actions of your peers.
One example of a refusal skill.
State reasons, suggest alternatives, walk away, don’t agree to meet the other person halfway, plan ahead, and use strong body language.
Who sent the first car into space?
Elon Musk sent a Tesla Roadster into space in 2018.