Stranger Danger

You are at the gym and someone you do not know is following you. What would you do?

I would tell a worker to help me and ask them to stop following me.


Your friend is trying to make you take pills but you do not know what they are. What would you do?

I would say "No!" and not take the pills


You’re walking home and a stranger offers you a ride. What is the best response?

I would nicely say no and continue walking home and tell my parents


You are working at Food Lion and you do not feel good. You start feeling sick. What would you do?

I would tell my boss or manager that I do not feel well and I think I should go home.


Your friend is trying to make you drink out of a cup but you do not know what is in it.

I would say no.


You are working at Food Lion and someone asks you if they can get something without paying. What would you do?

I would say no, you can not do that.


Your friends suggest trying something you are uncomfortable with, like trying drugs. What would you do?

I would say "NO!" and tell my friends that is not the right thing to do 


You are working at the store and a stranger asks you to help them find their child. What should you do?

I would tell them I can't help them find their child and tell a worker or trusted adult.


You find a wallet on the ground with money and cards in it. What would you do?

I would turn it in to a trusted adult.


An adult asks you to do something you do not want to do and it does not make you feel good. What would you do?

I would say "NO!" and move away.


You are volunteering and your mentor says something you don’t understand. What would you do?

I would tell them I don't understand and ask for help


You notice your friend has stopped coming to school. What should you do?

I would ask her if she is okay and ask if something happened.


If someone you don’t know is offering you a bite of their food, what would you do?

I would say no.

You are out with your friend and notice that your friend is talking to a stranger who is much older. What would you do?

I would go up to my friend and try to move them away from the stranger/the situation 


If someone gives you a compliment, what would you do?

I would say "thank you" and smile.

Somebody at school tries to give you some pills to take and says that they are good. What would you do?

I would say "No! I do not want to take them"


A friend wants to go to a party at night but you do not know who's house it is or where it is. What would you do?

I would say no thank you and I would not go to the party.


You're at a park and someone you don't know asks you to help them find their lost puppy. What should you do?

I would tell them no, get away from them, and ask a trusted adult for help


Your friend tells you they got hurt by somebody in their family or in their life. What would you do?

I would tell them sorry and ask if they would like to go tell a teacher or the police or a trusted adult.


A boy who you do not like asks you on a date. What do you do?

I would politely say no.


Your friend keeps doing or saying something that you do not like. What would you do?

I would tell my friend that I do not like what they are doing or tell an adult.


Your friend is trying to make you give them your money at school. What would you do?

I would say "no" and tell them "that is my money."


You see someone you don’t know following you when you are walking alone. What would you do?

I would walk a different way, go to a public place and find a trusted adult


You are walking on the street behind a girl from your school and you see that a $5 bill falls out from their pocket. What would you do?

I would pick it up and go give it back to her.


You are taking a test and the person next to you asks you to show them your answers. What should you do?

I would not give them my answers and continue doing my own work.