Which is the only planet suitable for living things?
We use _______________ to accurately locate places on the Earth´s surface
Lines of latitude and longitude
Revolution and Rotation
What shape is the world?
How many spheres does the Earth have?
The Earth has 3 main spheres
Lines of Longitude or Meridians
How long does it take the Earth rotate?
24 hours
____________ an Italian scientist created _______ in 1609 to observe the planets and stars but later on another scientist _____ improved his invention.
Galileo Galilei, telescopes, Johannes Kepler.
This sphere includes all the water on and above the Earth´s surface for example oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and even couds
We measure the distance east to west from this line of longitude which is at 0º
Prime Meridian
Whats causes day and night?
When the Earth rotates, the side receiving sunlight has day while the sun with no sunlight has night
In this year, Russia launches its first satellite into space
This sphere includes all the land above and below the Earth´s surface for example the continents
The geosphere
These are circular lines that go horizontally around the Earth
Lines of Latitude or Parallels
What is revolution and how long does it take?
In 1961, he was the first man in space
Yurin Gagarin
This consists of the layer of gases that surround the planet.
The atmosphere
We measure the distance north to south from this line of latitude which is at 0º
When do the seasons begin in the Northern Hemisphere?
Spring - March21st
Summer- June 21st
Autumn - September 21st
Winter - December 21st
In what year did the first American go to space and what was his name?
1969 and Neil Armstrong