Human Climate History
The Anthropocene
CC and its Impact on Human Habitats
Climate Justice and
Mix it up

Why is combining human climate history and human history challenging?

They have different chronological scales


A period of time when humans have significantly impacted the Earth's climate and environment

What is the Anthropocene?


What are the three components of the triple planetary crisis?

limate change, air pollution, and biodiversity loss


What is the main focus of climate activists?

Encouraging people to act on climate change, determining the best actions to take against climate change, and promoting global justice in the face of climate change


Who popularized the image of the Industrial Revolution through his literary works?

Charles Dickens


How has human behavior contributed to climate change?

By altering the configuration of Earth's climate systems


How long are many of the changes in the Anthropocene expected to last?

Thousands of years


How does the loss of certain animals or plants impact their local habitat?

It disrupts the balance of the ecosystem.


What is the term used to describe practices of extracting resources or producing clean energy in less-powerful countries for the benefit of wealthier nations?

Climate colonialism


 According to Katherine Hayhoe, what is a simple way to fight climate change?

Take individual action to reduce carbon emissions


What is the purpose of using archeological evidence in historical studies?

To reconstruct the histories of ancient civilizations


These are patterns of the Earth's movement in relation to the Sun

What are Milankovitch cycles


How do rising sea levels impact coastal communities?

They cause coastal erosion and threaten densely populated areas.


What is the goal of the Justice40 Initiative in the United States?

To ensure that 40% of overall benefits from Federal investment flow to underserved communities


According to advocates for climate justice, who is most severely impacted by climate change?

Poor people


What is the significance of the term Anthropocene?

It highlights the role of humans in shaping the Earth's climate


What caused the Little Ice Age?

Solar forcings and volcanic forcings


How do warmer temperatures contribute to the spread of fires?

They increase the dryness of vegetation, making it more flammable.


What is the role of climate activists in inspiring the public to think creatively about justice and climate change?

They promote awareness and education about climate justice issues


How does climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe communicate the science of climate change to her faith community?

Social Media campaigns 


What is the main argument made by Dipesh Chakrabarty in relation to climate change?

 Humans are reshaping the Earth's climate on a scale never seen before


What is the main cause of climate change during the Anthropocene?

Greenhouse gas emissions


How much more frequent is high-tide flooding compared to 50 years ago?

300% to more than 900% more frequent


What is the main concern of local climate activists regarding carbon capture infrastructure in Louisiana?

The potential pollution of water and local ecosystems


What is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming?

Carbon dioxide (CO2)