Your friend tells someone you are annoying. How do you work it out?
Talk with them about it and ask them why they said that.
Your best friend is running against you for class president. How do you handle it?
Be a good sport, wish them luck, congratulate them if they win and don't brag if you win.
One of your friends always makes you play the game he/she wants to play. How do you resolve it?
Ask if you can take turns picking games.
You accidentally bump one of your classmates when lining up. What should you do?
A friend asked to copy your homework and you know it is wrong but you don't want to lose them as a friend. What do you do?
Explain to them that it is wrong and you really don't want to do it.
A classmate writes something rude about you on your notebook. How do you work it out?
Erase it or cross it off and ask them why they did that.
Your basketball team played against a classmates team and now he is telling everyone you are a bad player. How do you handle it?
Talk to the classmate and ask him why he would tell people you are a bad player.
You and a friend both want to use the last basketball. How do you resolve it?
play together
You notice that one of your classmates has a pen that looks just like your favorite pen that has disappeared. What do you do?
Ask them where they got it from and hope they tell you they found it. If they don't, let it go.
You lied to a friend and you feel guilty. What do you do?
Tell them the truth and explain why you lied.
Your friend didn't come to your birthday party and didn't tell you why. How do you work it out?
Wait for them to tell you why, if they want to. It could be something private.
Your friend invited everyone to their house on Friday except you. How do you handle it?
You could do nothing and hope they tell you why or ask them why and tell them that you were hurt because they didn't invite you. There might be a reason.
You notice a student is always stealing your pencils. How do you resolve it?
Ask them why. Maybe they don't have any so offer to give them some of your pencils to use.
During a basketball game a friend tells you that you aren't passing him/her the ball enough. What do you do?
If you know why, explain it to them. If you didn't notice you weren't passing them the ball, try paying attention and pass them the ball more.
Your party is about to start and you realize you forgot to invite your friend who lives down the street. What do you do?
Text them and invite them or walk down if they don't answer.
A friend posted an embarrassing photo of you on social media without asking you. How do you work it out?
Ask them to take it down and tell them not to do it again.
Your friend hasn't responded to any of your text messages. How do you handle it?
Send one more message that you are worried and hope everything is ok and wait for them to text you back. They could be busy.
A student sits in the chair where you usually sit at lunch. How do you resolve it?
sit somewhere else
At recess you think it is your turn to be quarterback but your friend says it is his turn. What do you do?
Maybe use rock-paper-scissors to decide if you can't decide.
You have just enough time to get to your basketball game, but only if you leave immediately. As you are walking out the door, you drop your bottle of soda and it spills everywhere. What do you do?
You should clean it up and be late for your game. Explain to the coach why you are late.
Your best friend told someone something you told him/her to keep private. How do you work it out?
Ask to talk with them and tell them how much their betrayal of your trust hurts you.
Your friend didn't want to work with you on a partner project. How do you handle it?
Ask someone else and then talk to your friend later and ask them why, and if you had done something to hurt them.
You lend a friend your Switch for the night and he promises to bring it back the next day but it has been 3 days and he still hasn't brought it back. How do you resolve it?
Call his parents or go to his house to get it.
You are playing a board game with a friend and you play differently than they do. You try to explain how you play but he/she won't listen and insist on playing their way. What do you do?
Play his/her way this time and next time ask to play your way and if they don't, maybe don't play with them.
You made a huge mistake and now your friends won't talk to you. What do you do?
Ask them to talk to you so you can apologize.