
You have just started a new job and you don't know anyone.  You go to the breakroom for your break.  What could you do socially?

You could sit with someone and introduce yourself.  You could ask them their name.  You could make small talk. 


You hear some peers planning a prank to play on another peer but you think the prank is cruel and not funny.  What could you do?

You could talk to the pranksters and tell them that their prank is not funny and is cruel.  If you're not comfortable talking to the peers, you could speak to someone else who could help. 


Your friend asks you to keep a secret and then they tell you something that is very serious and dangerous.  What should you do? 

You could talk to them about your concerns.  You could suggest they talk to someone they trust to help them with the issue.  If they don't want to listen to what you have to say and you're concerned, you could talk to someone you trust about what to do. 


You see a peer crying.  When you ask them what is wrong, they tell you that a family member just died.  What could you say?

You can offer them your condolences.  You could ask them if they'd like to talk about it.  You could suggest that they talk to their trusted person about their feelings. 


You make plans with some friends but one of your friends takes you aside and tells you they can’t afford such an expensive activity.  What could you do?

You could suggest to the group that you do something else less expensive.  If they still want to do it, you could bow out and explain why.  You and your friend could do something else. 


You and your friend like the same person.  What could you do?

You could talk to your friend about your feelings for the person.  You could ask your friend about how they feel.


One day, your friends all suddenly exclude you and stop talking to you.  What could you do?

You could ask them (or one of them) what, if anything, happened.  You could actively listen to what they have to say.  You could discuss it, and if it's something you did, you could apologize.  


You just found out that your best friend’s partner is cheating on them.  What do you do?

You could either talk to your best friend about what you know about their partner, or, you could say nothing.


You and your friend plan to hang out for the evening but you get invited to a really great party, which they are not invited to.  What do you do?

You could tell your friend about the party and ask them if it's something they'd like to go to.  If they say no, don't go to the party and, instead, hang out with your friend as planned.  Be loyal to your friend...you made plans with them first.


You get invited to the movies by someone you really like but aren’t sure if it’s a date or a friend thing.  What would you do?

You could go to the movies and try and pick up on clues as to whether they like you or not.  You could ask them! 


You find an online hate page about a friend.  What do you do?

You could tell your friend.  You could tell a person who you trust for advice.  


Your friend has lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time and has been avoiding everyone.  How could you approach them?

You could ask them if they are okay.  You could talk to them about what you've noticed and ask them if you can help in some way.  You could suggest that they talk to someone to get help. 


You didn’t follow your budget and now you can’t afford to pay a bill.  What do you do?

You could ask a friend or relative for a loan.  You could call the company and explain the situation and ask if you could have an extension. 


You overhear people calling you stupid.  What do you do?

You could tell them how hurtful their comments are.


Your best friend is ignoring you and you don’t understand why.  What could you do or say?

You could have a calm conversation with them, in private, and ask if you had said or done anything wrong.  If they tell you that it was something that you had done, and it was wrong, you could apologize.  If they won't talk to you, you could give them space and tell them that you're willing to listen if they'd ever like to talk about it. 


You are at work and someone you know starts working there too.  You hear some co-workers making fun of the person.  What could you do?

You could tell your co-workers to stop and tell them they are being unprofessional and disrespectful.  If it continues, you could speak with your manager or supervisor.

You and a friend are leaving a party.  A couple of the party-goers offer you a ride home but you're not comfortable with that.  Your friend thinks it's a good idea.  What could you do or say?

You could explain to your friend that you're not comfortable with that and that you don't think it's a good idea.  You could suggest calling a friend or relative for a ride, or a taxi or uber.  If it's not too far, you could walk home. 


You need to go to the bathroom but your boss asks you to wait until your break.  But, you really need to go.

Tell your boss that you cannot wait or else you'll have an accident.  Go to the bathroom. 


You are at work and a co-worker looks like they’re having a panic attack.  What can you do?

You can suggest some relaxation techniques (think about what's in your emotional toolbox).  You could ask them if they'd like to talk.  You could notify your supervisor for help. 


You borrowed a DVD from a friend and you accidentally scratched it.  What would you do?

You could tell them what happened, apologize, and make it right (buy them a new one). 


You are relaxing at home after a long day at work.  A friend keeps calling and texting, asking for you to hang out but you're too tired.  What could you do or say?

You could explain how you feel and that while you'd like to hang out, you're too tired today and you could arrange for another day. 


You are talking with a peer and you disagree with something that they've said.  What could you do or say?

You could politely and respectfully tell them that you don't agree and explain why.  You could have a conversation on the subject.  If it seems the conversation is getting a little heated, you could change the subject. 


You stand up to speak in front of the class but accidentally trip.  Everyone laughs.  How can you handle this?

Laugh it off, make a joke about it.  


You have been feeling very worried and anxious all the time lately.  You want to ask someone about counselling but are not sure how to approach them.

You could talk to someone you trust and tell them about what you're feeling and that you want to get counselling.  If they can't help, talk to someone else you trust. 


Your friend tells you they have feelings for you but you only see them as a friend.  How would you handle this conversation?

Tell them the truth, that you don't have those kind of feelings for them but that you really value their friendship.