Conversation Skills
Social Cues

What is something a good sport would say after a game?

good game, let's play again, etc.


What is gossip?

When someone takes a rumor and spreads it around.


How can you keep a conversation going?

Ask questions or make comments


Is this an example of a healthy or unhealthy friendship?

Jason loves to wear bandanas on his head. He overhears some of his friends say they don’t know why he wears them and that it's kinda weird that he always has them on.



What are social cues?

  • Signals that we can send and see through someone’s face, body, voice or choice of words. 

  • They can be used to express interest, boredom, anger, fear, and many more emotions/feelings. 


Why would you NOT want to be a poor sport?

Other people probably wont want to play with me, have me on their team , ect.


If someone spreads a rumor about me, I should try really hand to convince everyone that the rumor is not true? Yes or No

No. If you try to disprove the rumour, you’ll look defensive and guilty. The new rumour will be how you’re freaking out trying to disprove the rumour


Share 2 good ways and 2 bad ways to get someones attention.

Good (say hi, say their name, tap them on the shoulder)

Bad (yelling at them, interrupting them, being demanding)


What are the 4 levels of friendships/relationships?

1. Stranger

2. Acquaintance

3. Friend

4. Close friend


 What are the 3 things we should be paying attention to in order to recognize someone's social cues

-Facial expression

-Body language

-Tone of voice


Imagine you are playing soccer. You have the ball and accidentally run into a player on the other team, causing them to fall and hurt their knee. What would a good sport do?

Say sorry, help them up, make sure they're okay, ect.


Your BEST FRIEND did something that hurt your feelings. What should you do?

Speak to them about it. This is someone who you care about and who should care about you. If they're not treating you right, let them know!


What step is missing for joining in on a conversation?

1.Listen to the conversation

2. Watch from a distance


4. Move closer

5.Wait for a pause in the conversation

3. Find out what they're talking about


Is this an example of a healthy or unhealthy friendship?

Sarah goes shopping with her friend Ella. Sarah and Ella share some french fries and both pay for half of the bill.



What are 3 social cues that shows someone is interested in the conversation?

-Smiling, nodding, Facing your direction, arms opened, not crossed, Calm tone of voice, asking questions ,Body and face are relaxed

share 3 things a good sport would do and 3 things a poor sport would do.

Good sport

-Cheer others on, take turns, follow the rules, ect.

Poor sport

-Cry, say rude things, cheat, quit, break things, ect.


If I hear a rumor about myself, I should look upset and let everyone see that I'm upset. Yes or No?

It might make the gossip feel like they won/their plan worked to make you mad.

It might make you look guilty to others


When i'm talking to someone I should hog the entire conversation. Yes or No? Why?

No. The other person wont want to have a conversation with me if I am the only one who gets to talk and share.


What is something that might happen in an unhealthy friendship? 

They might break some of your boundaries

-sharing information about you that you wanted to be private.

-making choices for you that you wanted to make.

-pressuring you to do something you aren’t comfortable with.

-giving you their responsibilities.


What are 3 social cues that shows someone is disinterested in the conversation?

 Yawning, blank expression, sighing ,Looking away or through you, tapping hand or foot, Low tone of voice; not participating in the conversation , Short answers, “mmhhm”, “yeah”, “cool” (conversation stoppers)


Pick another person and act out being a good sport after finishing a game



What should you do if you hear a rumor about your self?

Act amazed (“Who would believe that? People are so gullible.” “Why would anyone care about that?’ People need to get a life.”)

Spread the rumor about yourself (Have you heard this rumour about me…?”“That’s so stupid.”)


Share 3 ways to end a conversation 

-It was nice talking to you, bye

-Sorry I have to run, let's talk again soon

- Thanks for the chat, bye

- I have to go, see you later


What topics would you discuss with an acquaintance ?


Personal info about yourself


Light topics


Weather, light topics


What should you do if the person you are talking to is giving off social cues that show that they are angry (Furrowed brow/scrunched face/red in face, Pacing, arms crossed, clenching fists or teeth, Aggressive tone of voice (yelling or talking loud) ,Intense look/stare, Heavy breathing)

End the conversation