Social Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene Skills
Health Skills
Safety Skills

Yes or no: If I really need something, it's okay to walk into my friend's house without knocking on the door and without calling them first. 

No! You should always knock on the door and ask to be invited in or call before walking into someone's house.


Should we put milk in the pantry or the refrigerator?

The refrigerator!


I just burped loudly in the middle of a silent room. I should say ____.

Excuse me!


Yes or No: It is okay to drink soda with every meal, as long as I don't eat as much that day.

No! You should limit your soda intake and drink more water!!


Yes or No- It's okay to cross the street without looking both ways because cars will stop for me.



Is it is ok to look into someone's things when they aren't looking.

No! It is never ok to go through someone else's belongings, especially when they aren't looking.


Should we put crackers in the freezer or pantry?

In the pantry!


Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should ____.

Wash my hands with soap and water


Name 3 healthy fruits or vegetables. 

So many fruits and veggies!!


My peer is making a lot of noise during program and it is distracting, what could I say? 

Ask them to stop or tell your staff.


Is it okay to walk really slow, even if my staff and peers are far in front and tell me to keep up with the rest of the group? 

No! It is important to stay with your group and your group, especially when you are in the community.


Yes or No; Is it okay to give your phone number to strangers?



Yes or No- If the bathroom is out of soap, is it okay to just use water?

Bonus: What should you do?


Bonus: Tell someone!


I can NOT stop thinking about my plans for the weekend. I am going to tell everybody about it every time I think about it. Is this okay? 

It is great that you are excited but be mindful of how many times you tell the same story. Share a new memory or ask a friend what they enjoy about the park.


When playing cards or a board game, it's okay to throw the cards when you lose. 

No! It is important to be a good sport and congratulate the winner. 


If someone is new in my group, what should I say and do? 

Say "Hello" and introduce yourself! We should be friendly when meeting new people



I am really hungry before dinner and noticed that there are cookies on the counter. Should I eat the whole box of cookies before dinner?

You should not eat a whole box of cookies. You should ask for a healthy snack, have a glass of water, or wait until dinner is ready.


My friend has food in their teeth. Should I just ignore it and let them go on with their day, or politely tell them? 

A good friend will tell someone if they have something in their teeth. Just make sure you tell them nicely! 

My day program takes me to a new restaurant with new foods.  I've never tried these new foods, so I definitely know I won't like it. Is it ok to say I definitely don't like something even if I've never tried it? 

No! Try new foods! Food is a source of energy, be sure to take at least one bite! You never know if you don't try something new whether you will like it or not! 


If someone looks at me I should immediately stand up and yell out - What are you looking at?

NO! That is inappropriate behavior. Ask a staff for advice before making an assumption.


People are making fun of your friend and you see them calling him names. What should you do?

Tell your staff, stand up for your friend, make sure your friend is okay.


You are eating spaghetti and meatballs and accidentally drop some on a new rug. Should you blame your peers, or tell a caregiver and help clean up the mess? 

Accidents happen, the important thing is to be responsible and tell the truth. 


You are getting ready to go to program. What are two things you need to do at home to make sure you are clean and ready to come be in program?

Use deodorant, brush your teeth, brush your hair, take a shower, etc. 

Is it important to exercise? Why or why not.

Yes to stay happy and healthy.


I am don't know how to answer a question my staff asked me, what do I do? 

Ask your staff for help or if they can ask the question in a different way.