If you are feeling frustrated, name two strategies to calm your body.

Many options! Taking deep breaths, squishing a stuffed animal, asking for a break, etc.


True or False: If a friend makes a joke that hurts your feelings, it's okay to tell them that it hurt your feelings.

True! You should tell them calmly that you were upset by their joke, and if they are a good friend they will understand and try not to hurt your feelings again. 


Your team won a game of soccer during recess and are celebrating the win. What should you say to the team that lost?  

Good game! Being a good sport means acknowledging the other team kindly, as well as being kind to your teammates. 


TRUE or FALSE: Vegetables, macaroni and cheese, and coca-cola are all foods we need. 

FALSE. Vegetables are foods we need, but macaroni and cheese and coca-cola are foods we might want, but don't necessarily need.


True or False: Safety signs in public are meant for adults and kids don't need to look at them. 

False! Safety signs are important for everyone to know about! for double points, name the safety signs you know!


TRUE OR FALSE:  It is ok to look into someone's belongings when they aren't looking.

FALSE. It is never ok to go through someone else's belongings, especially when they aren't looking.


True or false: A good strategy to calm your body if you're feeling nervous is to wiggle out the nerves.

True! Whether this is dancing, jumping, doing yoga, or exercising movement is a great way to calm nervous energy.


Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should ____.

Wash my hands with soap and water


Name 3 healthy fruits or vegetables. 



My friend is asking me to go to the park but my mom told me that I am not allowed to go. My friend told me he will be upset if I do not go with him. What should I do?

Walk away and tell an adult. Friends should respect you and the rules; tell your friend they are making you uncomfortable.


True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should repeatedly ask them until they answer

False: You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. 


True or False: At school, it is okay to walk around the classroom when you're done with your work.

False - there is never a reason to walk around without a purpose. It might be a better idea to work on something else, read a book, or ask the teacher what you can do next.


True or false: Your friend got a bad haircut, but they seem to love it. When they ask you what you think about it you should tell them the truth: that you think it looks terrible! Honesty is the best policy, right?

False! While honesty is the best policy, in this case, telling the truth about your opinion is just going to hurt your friend's feelings. It might be a better idea to say something like, "I think it's cool that you were able to get a style you love!" — if you want to be nice without lying to them. 


True or False: It's okay to brag about your skills after you win a game — you did win after all!

False: People who brag when they win are not very fun to play with. It's a good idea to let people know when they did a good job, and focus on the fact that everyone had fun while playing. 


True or False. When playing cards or a board game, it is perfectly alright to be angry when you lose. 

False. It is important to be a good sport and congratulate the winner. 


True or False: If someone tells me my joke is mean, they are too sensitive. They should know I'm joking!

False: Even if you weren't trying to be mean, you should listen when someone tells you their feelings were hurt, and try to make it right. 

True or False: Your friend beat you at a game you taught them, and until then you were undefeated. It was impossible for them to have won without cheating!

False: It could be beginner's luck, or it could be that your friend is good at this game — either way, calling people a cheater when they win a game is not a good way to make or keep friends. 


At school, your friend's shirt is on inside-out and he hasn't noticed. Some kids are making fun of him behind his back. What should you do?

Your friend might appreciate you gently pointing this out to him if he hasn't noticed, but remember to be kind because he might be embarrassed. If the kids don't stop it might be a good idea to ask them to stop, and/or tell a teacher.


True or False: A refrigerator, a tablet, and warm clothes are things that we might want, but don't necessarily need. 

FALSE! A tablet might be something we want, but a refrigerator and warm clothes are things we need. 


True or false: Things we need are things we cannot survive without, like water and clean air. Things we want are things that are nice to have, but we can survive without them, like toys and desserts.

True! For 100 bonus points, name one other thing that is a need, and one other thing that is a want.


People are making fun of your friend and you see them calling him names. What should you do?

Tell an adult, stand up for your friend, make sure your friend is okay.


True or false: Even if you're feeling very overwhelmed, it's better to finish all your work right away, rather than ask for a break. 

False! If you're feeling overwhelmed, it would be a good idea to ask for a break — whether that means you need to take some deep breaths, get up and move, or try a different activity before returning to the task. 


You accidentally track mud into the house and your Mom is upset. What should you do?

Apologize, offer to help clean it, and make sure to wipe your feet (or take off your shoes) before coming in next time. 


If you're feeling lonely, name one strategy to help make you feel better. 

Many options, but it might help to talk it out with friends or family members. 


If you don't like the game your friend suggested playing, what should you do?

You should politely say that you don't like a game and want to know what other games are available.