Social Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene/Social Skills
Health/Social Skills
Safety/Social Skills

If I really need something, it's okay to walk in to the room without knocking on the door. True or False?


You should always knock on the door before entering a room that is not yours.


What people do when they are happy?



It is a good idea to scream when you are angry. True or False?


The best way is talk to your parents, calm yourself down 


it is ok to miss people sometimes. True or False?


you can miss people sometimes 


Who in your family make you more happy?

you choose


What is your favorite game?

you can choose anyone


it is ok to beat someone when I am upset. True or False?


Can not beat anyone when you are upset


Chloe and Ryan couldn’t agree on which game to play. They decided to play the game Chloe wanted first, and then play the game Ryan wanted to play next. Is this a good way to solve their conflict?

Taking turns choosing what to do was a great way to solve the problem! When 2 people want to do different things, they can do one activity first, and then do the other one. That way, both people get to have a turn doing what they want to do!


Elly saw her friends gossiping about her, so she started gossiping about them. Is this a good way to solve a conflict?

Elly’s feelings were hurt when she saw her friends gossiping about her. Even though she was upset, gossiping about her friends isn’t the best way to solve the problem. Instead she could have talked to her friends and told them that what they were doing was hurtful.


Elijah was mad that his friend didn’t choose him to be on the soccer team. During the game, Elijah kept tripping his friend on purpose. Is this a good way to solve the conflict?

It was okay for Elijah to be upset, but it wasn’t okay for him to trip his friend on purpose. This could hurt his friend. Instead, Elijah could take some deep breaths to calm down or choose another activity to do


When playing cards or a board game, it is perfectly alright to be angry when you lose. True or False?


It is important to be a good sport and congratulate the winner. 


Tristin was annoyed because the girl sitting next to him wouldn’t stop talking. Tristin politely asked her to stop. Is this a good way to solve the conflict?

When someone is doing something that you don’t like, you can calmly ask them to stop. They may not know that what they are doing is bothering you, so calmly asking them to stop is a great way to let them know. When you are calm, it is easier for them to stay calm too!


When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should repeatedly ask them until they answer. True or False?


You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. 


Anaya wanted to go first in kickball, so she shoved her friend out of the way. Is this a good way to solve the conflict?

It can be hard when you don’t get your way, but you should never try to hurt someone else. Instead, Anaya could have tried to make a compromise with her friend, or played rock-paper-scissors to see who got to go first.


Emma asked Brooklyn not to touch her tablet, but Brooklyn did anyway. Emma screamed at Brooklyn. Is this a good way to solve their conflict?

Brooklyn should not have touched Emma’s tablet. However, Emma didn’t help the situation by yelling at her. This could have made Brooklyn angry and caused more problems for the friends. Instead, Emma could have calmly reminded Brooklyn not to touch it, or move to another part of the room, away from Brooklyn.


Amani’s friend was taking too long at the drinking fountain, so Amani pushed her out of the way. Was this a good way to solve the conflict?

Amani should not have pushed her friend. Instead, she could have waited patiently or calmly asked her friend to hurry up.


I don't like the video game my friend suggested. I will argue until I get my way. True or False?

You should politely say that you don't like a game and want to know what other games are available. 


Daniel’s friend called him a mean name. Daniel said “That’s not very nice,” and walked away. Is this a good way to solve a conflict?

Daniel told his friend that he wasn’t being kind, which is a great way for Daniel to stand up for himself. Then, he walked away to get away from his friend. Sometimes it’s best to take a break from the situation.


If a teacher is busy, what should I do?

Wait until they are finished. 

Raise my hand.

Wait to say what I want to say or ask a question when they have finished.


If I need someone's attention, I walk up to them and say...

Excuse me

Pardon me



Oliver was mad that his teacher wouldn’t let him go get a drink, so he left the classroom anyway. Was this a good way to solve the conflict? 

Even though Oliver wanted to get a drink, he still should have listened to his teacher. He could have taken deep breaths or counted to 10 until he was calm. Then he could remind himself that he could get a drink after class.


It is healthy to not eat all day and just have one big meal before bed. True or False?


You should eat 3 balanced meals a day (i.e., fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy).


If someone looks at me I should immediately stand up and yell out, "What are you looking at?" True or False?


Yelling out or at people is unexpected and inappropriate behavior. You should ask an adult for advice before making an assumption.


What is your favorite color?

Answers will vary.


A classmate is making you upset, what should you do?

Calmly let them know. 

If they continue to upset you tell a school staff member.


Is it ok to leave the classroom without permission?


You should raise your hand and say you need to go. This way someone knows that you are not just taking off. 


Carson’s friend punched him. Carson walked away and told an adult. Is this a good way to solve the conflict?

Since Carson wasn’t safe, it was the right thing to tell an adult right away. If you are in a situation where someone is in danger, you should get an adult right away instead of trying to solve it by yourself.


Nicole and Rylan both wanted to play on the tablet. They decided to choose a game they could play together. Was this a good way to solve the conflict?

Making a compromise, or choosing a win-win is a great strategy! By choosing a game that they both liked, Nicole and Rylan could do something they enjoy together.


Jonathan’s friend took the last marker. Jonathan asked if he could have it when his friend was finished. Was this a good way to solve the conflict?

When someone else has something that you want, you can wait your turn, or choose something else to do. Jonathan made a great choice by letting his friend know that he wanted the marker and then waiting his turn


What are three nice things to say to someone?

Answers will vary.