Goal Setting
Name at least 2 steps to starting a conversation.
What is Look friendly and smile, choose a common shared topic, begin with a greeting, ask a polite question or make a polite comment.
What are some ways you can be respectful of your classmates?
What is listening and not interrupting, greeting classmates, helping classmates, being polite.
What is autism? What are some of the characteristics?
What is a neurological condition affecting social development. Characterstics can include difficulty with empathy, making friends, eye contact.
What is a skill/area of need for you?
Possible Responses: -being more organized -being more flexible -being a better listener -asking for help appropriately when needed -working cooperatively with others -developing friendships
What are values and name two examples.
What is Things we place great importance on and act accordingly. Examples include: education, financial, family, humor.
Why is it important to choose a shared topic to talk about?
What is Because it is more interesting to everybody and everybody can participate in the conversation.
Name 2 areas of personal hygiene and 2 examples of good manners. Why are these important?
What is showering, brushing hair, brushing teeth, wearing deodorant, etc. Manners: Saying excuse me, eating with your mouth closed, holding the door open, giving up your seat. Good hygiene and good manners are important because they keep us safe and healthy, make a good impression on others, allow us to feel good about ourselves.
Explain why physical differences do not affect one's personal worth or value.
What is sometimes people are judged on their appearance and then can surprise you.
What is an area of strength for you?
Possible Responses: -drawing -sports -video games -making people laugh -working with children -cooking -academics (Math, English, Science, etc.) -respecting adults
Name one of your personal values and tell how you demonstrate it.
What is education; I do all my work and study for tests.
What are the steps to continuing a conversation?
What is Look, listen, talk about yourself, ask about others, take turns talking and listening.
Name 3 qualities you look for in a friend.
What is likes the same things, good sense of humor, smart, athletic, listens to me, is kind, can be trusted, is happy, ....
Give an example of prejudice. Why is it important to not allow any form of prejudice in a classroom or community?
What is differences actually add to a society. People should respect and celebrate one another. Although each person is unique, we all have basic similarities.
What is a goal?
A goal is something that you set for yourself to achieve and is something that you do not already do.
What was Mr. Hogan's personal goal and did she achieve it?
What is to exercise and get in shape. YES!!
How do you end a conversation?
What is Give a short explanation and a friendly farewell.
Empathy is knowing how another person feels. Name at least 3 ways we can tell how someone else is feeling.
What is Look at the person's facial expression, observe body language, listen to the words, listen to the tone of voice the person is using, pretend to be that person and see through that person's eyes.
What is tolerance and give one example?
Accepting other people's opinions, beliefs and behaviors. Example: Ignoring another student's outbursts during the teacher's instruction in class.
Name two of the four steps in goal-setting
What is defining/identifying the goal; steps to achieve the goal; blocks and how to overcome them; deadline.
To put yourself in others shoes.
What is empathy?
Give 2 examples of a short explanation and 2 examples of a friendly farewell to end a conversation.
What is "I've got to go now." "I'd better get going." "I've got some stuff to do." Friendly farewell: See you later. Bye. See you tomorrow. So long. Later.
What are the four options available when dealing with a conflict?
What is I win - you lose I lose - you win I lose - you lose I win - you win
What are some ways to stop bullies?
Don't bully others. Help others. Speak out. Ignore it. Get adult help. Include everyone.
Name two characteristics of goals. They should be....
What is realistic, important to you, able to be achieved, measurable.
What sport does Dr. Cohan play at night (with other adults)?
What is soccer