Social Skills
Cooking Skills
Hygiene/social skills
Health/social skills
Safety/social skills

True or False: If you want to make a friend, ask about the other person's interests.

What is True. You might learn that you both share something in common with one another.


I should ALWAYS wash my hands before I prep food or eat a meal.

What is True. 


I just burped loudly in the middle of a silent room. I should say ____.

What is say excuse me!


Soda is much better for you than water. Plus, it tastes better!

What is FALSE. You should limit your soda intake and drink more water!!


True or False I saw my favorite toy in the store.  I should take it home with me without paying.

What is False. You will always need to pay for things at a store to be able to take it home.


TRUE OR FALSE:  When I arrive at someone's house, I should sit in the car, honk the horn, and yell real loud out the car window that I'm here.

What is FALSE


Frozen pizza should be put away in the freezer or pantry.

What is the freezer.


How often should I brush my teeth? 

What is two times a day. Once in the morning and once at night.


During Covid-19, I see my best friend who I haven't seen in over a year. I run up to her to give her a hug, but she turns away. What could I give her instead?

What is a fist bump, elbow bump, a friendly wave, ankle taps, etc.


I like my friend a lot, but I am not comfortable with what he is asking me to do. They just asked if they could kiss me and hold my hand in public and I feel very uncomfortable with that...What should I do?

What is kindly let them know you are uncomfortable. If they still won't listen, then you should walk away. Anyone that loves you is going to respect you.


True or False When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should repeatedly ask them until they answer.

What is False. They may be thinking of an answer, and repeatedly asking would be annoying and frustrating to others.


I prepared chicken for lunch that I will eat tomorrow. However, I forgot to put it away in the fridge overnight. It's still safe to eat, right?

What is NO!


True or False. I just used the bathroom but I'm in a hurry. I dont have time to flush.

What is FALSE. You should ALWAYS flush!!!


How should my mask cover my face?

A) Just my mouth

B) Keep it underneath my chin

C) Both the nose and mouth

D) Masks?! Who needs them? Bring it on Covid-19!

What is C.


My friends just made a terrible rumor about me. And now no one will talk to me. It makes me sad and hurts my feelings. I should make a rumor about my friend to get back at them.

What is False. Never EVER resort to bringing anyone else down when you feel down.


If someone is different from me, and does things that appear strange like rocking back and forth or talks to himself, this is how I should react.

What is be friendly. Everyone is different, and that is okay.


How soon should I clean up a mess or a spill I made in the kitchen?

What is immediately.


TRUE or FALSE It's hot in the classroom. It would be funny for me to take all my clothes off. Right?! Right....why is no one laughing???...

What is False. That is very rude.


This is how many meals I should eat each day.

What is 3. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Small, healthy snacks in between are okay such as carrots, nuts, or fruit.


I met this really nice stranger when I was by myself and they asked me to get in the car with them because they have candy inside the car. I should...

What is say "no thanks" and walk away immediately.


Introduce yourself using appropriate language.

What is "Hi, my name is _________. What's yours?"


How do I get something hot out of the oven without burning myself?

What is use oven mitts.


My body stinks, and I'm all sweaty and dirty. What should I do to clean myself?

What is take a warm or hot bath/shower.


How many times a week should I exercise?

A) Well, once a month is good for me.

B) Maybe at least 2-3 times a week. Maybe 4 if I feel good!


D) Who needs exercising when I've got the couch and my Sonic video games!

What is B.


My friend offers me a cigarette or a can of beer at a party. It looks tempting, plus everyone around me is doing it, but I know it's wrong and I'm not old enough. What should I do?

What is say politely I don't want to have any drugs or alcohol. ALWAYS SAY NO TO DRUGS AND ALCOHOL!