Friends Part 1
Friends Part 2

When working in a small group it's very important that all team members work together, what is another word for this?

What is Cooperation?


Your parents are having a get together with friends at home. You are in your bedroom playing your music loudly. Your mother asks you to please be __________ and turn down your music because it is too loud.

What is considerate?


You are playing at the park and notice that another child wants to play with you.  You show them friendliness. What do you do?

You invite them to play / join


You see another kid from your school calling a boy names...

stand up for the boy, tell an adult so they could help the boy.


You see another person drop their grocery bag. You notice this and go over to help her pick up her groceries, this is an act of

What is Kindness?


You are playing a game with your friends and you are the first one out. You tell yourself it's okay, I will wait for the next game to start again. This is called being a ___________.

What is being a good sport?


Your mom sends you to the store with her last $20 to purchase a few items. There is change left over, what should you do?

What is return the change to your mother?


You find a wallet outside near your school,  you decide tp be honest so you...

Turn it in by bringing it into the school office


Your friends and you are playing a card game and you notice your friend hiding her cards so that she could win. This does not make you feel good because you know that your friend is and not playing fairly.

Talk to your friend about what you noticed and ask them to stop


You buy a combo at McDonald’s and the cashier gives you back $5 to much, what should you do?

What is return the money to the cashier?


A new student from Haiti comes to our school today and a student greets him. You help the student feel welcome. This is called being F_________.

What is being friendly?


A new student has registered at your school today and he looks lost before the bell rings. What should you do?

What is ask him if he needs help?


Your classmate is sitting by fence alone looking sad. What should you do?

Ask him to join you and your friends / Ask if you can help them (Are you Okay?)


Your friend is telling a story. How do you show them that you are listening?

look at them, turn your body towards them, make a comment or ask a question about what they are saying.


You are at the movie theatre and the movie is about to start so you stop talking to our friend so that everyone could listen and enjoy the show.  This is being ______.

What is considerate?


When we raise our hands in the classroom, and not interrupt our classmates when they are speaking. We are showing _________.

What is Respect?


You are assigned chores at home, whenever we do them, it shows that we are_________

What is Responsible?


You have been on the swing for a short while long, you realize that a younger child has been waiting for awhile. 

Share / ask if she or he wants to have a turn.


You ask your friend to play with you and they say no thank you. What should you do ?

Respect that they don't want to  play.

Ask another friend or join another game


You need to pay for your ice cream at Baskin Robins. The line is really long but you know that you must patiently _________________.

What wait your turn ?


A Student got the answer wrong in class but does not give up and tries again. This student is showing self- _________.

What is Self Determination?


You noticed that their are dishes in the sink so you washed and put them away.

What is Responsibility /helpful?


Jason gets hit by the ball during dodgeball. Jason knows he is out but he is not happy about leaving the game. Jason should _______________

follow the rules of the game and sit out until he can join the game again.


Your friend is having a bad day. You try to help them feel better. 

 Help cheer them up (tell a joke, give a friend a compliment)


You are going into the store and many people are behind you. It is polite to  ________

What is hold the door open for them?