How should you act during a fire drills?
Calmly and quietly line up and listen to your teacher.
How many times should you brush your teeth?
Twice a day
True or False: You should wash your hands before cooking or eating?
If there is am emergency what do you call
If you need to tell your teacher something, what should you do?
Raise your hand
Where does cheese go?
What do you put on under your arms so you do not smell?
Is it okay to cook without asking a parent?
No, you should always ask a parent before you cook.
What is the first thing you do when you get in the car?
Put your seatbelt on
What do you say after you burp?
Excuse me
Do we put crackers in the freezer or cabinet
How often should you shower?
At least once a day
How should you hold a knife?
By the handle with the blade down.
What should you do when crossing the street or parking lot?
Look for any moving cars
Should you take something that doesn't belong to you?
No, that is not appropriate and is called stealing
Is it okay to leave your house without telling mom?
No, you should always tell mom if you are leaving the house.
When should you wash your hands?
After using the bathroom, before cooking or eating
What do you use to take food out of the oven?
Oven mitts
When paying for something, do you hand your whole wallet to the cashier?
No, you take out your cash or credit card to pay.
When you are waiting on line, how far should you stand from the person in front of you?
At least an arms length away.
How do you introduce yourself?
Make eye contact,
My name is Jayden, what is your name?
Is it okay to not flush the toilet after you go to the bathroom?
No, you should always flush the toilet after you go to the bathroom.
What do you use to cut food on?
Cutting board
If a stranger asks you to get in their car what should you do?
When out in the community should you walk away from your mom or teacher?
No you should always stay with a parent or teacher