Social skills
Life skills
Health/Social skills
Safety/Social skills
Various response

True or False: If I really need something, it's okay to walk in to the room without knocking on the door.

False. It is important to knock on the door before entering a room that is not yours. 


You burp loudly in the middle of class. What should you do?

Say 'excuse me'. 


Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty, you should?

Wash your hands with soap and water.


True or False: You see your favorite game in the store. You should take it home with me without paying.

False. You will always need to pay for things at a store to be able to take it home.


Name three sports that are good for exercising.

e.g. Basketball, netball, football, dance, tennis etc.


True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should ask them over and over until they answer.

False. You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again.


True or False: when you are not feeling well, it is best to cough and sneeze to get it out no matter where you cough/sneeze or who is around?

False - you should cover your mouth (washing or sanitizing your hands after) or cough/sneeze into your elbow bend of your arm.


How many times a day is it recommended that you brush your teeth?

Atleast two.


Your friend asks you to do something you think may be dangerous. What should you do?

Calmly explain to them that you are not comfortable and why you believe it could be dangerous. If they still won't listen, then you should speak with a trusted adult. 


Name three feelings.


e.g. Happy, angry, sad, worried, confident, loved, scared, proud


A classmate is upsetting you what should you do?

Calmly ask them to stop what they are doing to upset you. If they continue, speak to a teacher or trusted adult.


True or False: When taking medication or vitamins, it's okay to take them whenever you remember.

False. You should work on taking them at the recommended time of day. Taking them consistently at a certain time also helps us to remember to take them. 


True or False: Your friend has food in their teeth. You should just ignore it and let them go on with their day. 

False. This is something that can easily be fixed if they are aware of it. They may feel embarrassed to hear this but telling them in a polite way helps them. 


You meet a stranger when by yourself and they asked you to get in the car with them because they said they know your parents. What should you do?

Leave the situation and speak with a trusted adult. 


Name three of your trusted adults.


e.g. mum, dad, teacher, older sibling, coach, family member


One of your classmates is sitting by themselves at lunch. What could you do?

Ask them if they are okay and if they would like to talk or play with you.


Is it ok to leave your classroom without permission?

No. If you need to go somewhere, you should speak to the teacher so an adult knows where you are.  


True or False: It is okay to drink soda with every meal, as long as you don't eat as much that day. 

False. A large soda intake has a lot of sugar and can make you unwell, even when reducing how much you eat. You should limit your soda intake and drink more water.


You've been losing every game of Uno today. You're starting to get really upset about losing all the time. How can you still be a good sport, even though you lost?


Positive interactions, such as saying "good game", keeping a positive attitude, calmly trying a different strategy, politely walk away or change games.


Name three ways to show kindness.


e.g. being respectful, showing care, helping other, saying kind words.


You're playing a board game with a friend and win every game, what is one inappropriate way to react and what is one appropriate way to react?


1) Act like a poor sport (any example of that).

2) tell everyone good game, shake their hand/high five. 


You are trying to get an adults attention, what is an inappropriate way of doing this and an appropriate way of doing this.


1) yelling at them, physically hitting or pulling them or breaking things.

2) Saying 'excuse me', waiting patiently or calmly asking.


Name two distractions that might prevent you from getting enough sleep.


television, phone, video games, toys, playing or snacking.


You're playing games with a friend and don't like the game your friend has suggested. What is an inappropriate response and an appropriate response?


1) Argue and fight about which game to play, call your friend names for liking different games or be destructive of the game they like.

2) Politely say you do not like that game and ask if there are other games they would like to play. 


Name three ways to help yourself calm down when you are upset.


e.g. removing yourself from the situation, deep breathing, speaking with an adult, playing with a sensory toy.