Social Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene/social skills
Health/social skills
Safety/social skills

True or False: If I need something, it's okay to demand someone to go get it.

False. You should always use kind manners, saying please and thank you. You should ask for help like this: "Would you please help me get a drink out of the fridge?"


Should we put cheese in the pantry or the refrigerator?

The refrigerator



You should brush your teeth every other day whether they need it or not.

False, you should brush your teeth at least two times a day in the morning and at night.


TRUE or FALSE It is okay to drink soda with every meal, as long as I don't eat as much that day.

FALSE. You should limit your soda intake and drink more water.


True or false: It is a good idea to wear dark clothing when going on a walk in the evening.

False. Wearing reflective clothing will make you more visible to vehicles, cyclists, and other pedestrians.


Name 3 activities you can do alone.

Play solitaire, read a book, journal, color, watch TV, work on a hobby, video games, make phone calls to friends/family... 


TRUE OR FALSE:  My pen is not working anymore.  The staff has a lot of pens so it is okay to throw my broken pen on the floor and take one of their pens without asking.

FALSE. It is never ok to throw something on the floor and take something that is not yours.  


If I am asked to wash dishes during cooking, is it a big deal or little deal? How can I respond? 

Little deal

Sure! No Problem!


Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should ____.

Wash my hands with soap and water, for 30 seconds (Happy Birthday song)


Name 3 fruits or vegetables that you enjoy eating



I found a wallet at the library. It is okay for me to take the money out before handing the wallet into "lost and found".   Finder's keepers!  

False. It is important to be honest.  You should hand in the wallet and not take anything from it.  


How can you show empathy toward others?

Answers will vary.


True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should repeatedly ask them until they answer.

False: You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. 


If you only have $20 left for the week and you are out of food, what should you do with this money?

Use it for food that will last you until you get more money. 


When I feel like I'm going to sneeze I should:

Count Dracula...sneeze into your bent arm. 


The milk has been in the fridge for a while but it still smells okay so it is okay to drink it.  

Better safe than sorry.  Check the expiration.  


Who is responsible for you having a safe body and following rules?

You are!


How can we show kindness to ourselves?

- Practice healthy habits (good hygiene, balanced diet, sleep, movement/exercise)

- Be patient with yourself

- Practice positive self-talk


If staff is busy (on the phone, working with another student) what should I do?

Wait until they are finished talking. Do not interrupt. Make eye contact to let them know you need them for something, or say excuse me if it is an urgent matter.


If you see that a peer is trying to hurt themselves, what should you do?

Immediately alert a caregiver or staff.

Find someone to stay with the peer...never leave them alone.


I have staffing in the morning.  But I am having so much fun watching videos that it is okay to stay up late.  

False: Regular sleep helps to improve attention, behavior, learning, memory, and overall mental and physical health. 

People feel better and their minds are sharper when they get at least 8 hours of sleep a night


True or False:  It is healthy to not eat all day and just have one big meal before bed.

False.  You should do your best to have 3 balanced meals a day.


If a stranger and I bumped into each other at the store, I should yell at them and tell them to back off.

NO. That is inappropriate behavior. You should say "excuse me" or "I am sorry"


Name 3 activities you can do with a group

Answers vary


A friend is upsetting you with their actions and not being kind. What should you do?

Calmly let them know they are bothering you with their words or actions. Walk away from them and tell the staff. 


If you want to walk to the store down the block, should you ask or tell anyone?

YES, you should tell a trusted adult and ask them to go with you.


True/False: I don't have to wash my hands when I get home after being at a store.

False: you should always wash your hands when you get home.


Is it important to exercise? What benefits does exercise provide?

Good Health, happiness, assists with good sleep, helps with mood.


If someone asks me to do something I do not want to do, I should hit them and refuse to do it?

You should keep your hands to yourself to talk to them about why you don't want to do it.


How can we show kindness to others?

being respectful

showing I care

helping others

complimenting others