What Should I Say?
Social Cues
Body Language
Emotions/Coping Skills

A friend reaches out and asks me to go to the movies...how should I respond?

1. Sure, i'd love to go to the movies.

2. Thanks for the invite, I am busy during that time but what about Tuesday at 5PM?


What is a social cue?

-A form of communication that helps you to "read" another person and react 

-tone of voice

-facial expression

-personal space/boundaries


Body language someone might have when they are happy

Smiling, laughing, relaxed


How can you start small talk?

1. Hi, how are you doing?

2. How was your day today?


What are healthy coping skills?

1. Writing

2. Deep breathing

3. Going for a walk


A friend tells me they are upset, what question could I ask them?

1. What's wrong?

2. Is there anything I can do to help?

3. What's making you upset?


What are ways to show people I am listening?

Eye contact, nodding, communicating back


Body language someone might have when they are mad?

Crossed arms, clenched fist, red face, scowl


When would be an appropriate time to interject in a conversation?

1. When there is a lull in conversation

2. By saying "excuse me"


What is something I can do when I am feeling angry?

1. Deep breathing

2. Journal

3. Talk with a friend/family member


Let's say you and interested in inviting a friend to spend time together...how would you ask them to join you?

1. Hi! I was wondering if you were free on [date] to watch a move. Are you free?


What's an example of non-verbal cues?

smiling, crying, laughing, clenched fists.


Body language someone might have if they are sad?

Crying, lowered eyes, trembling body


What is an open ended question?

A question that allows for multiple responses and the ability for the person to elaborate. 


What does it feel like in my body when I am happy?

Excited, relaxed, peaceful

You are upset with a friend for something that they said to you...how would you approach them and let them know your feelings?

1. I felt hurt when there was a negative comment made about my favorite video game.


What are some social cues that indicate someone is not interested in a conversation?

1. Moving away

2. No eye contact

3. Body is shifted away from you


How do I know when someone is listening to me when I am talking?

1. nodding their head

2. eye contact

3. responding at appropriate times


Questions to ask to build a connection with someone

1. What's your favorite movie?

2. What's your favorite video game?

3. Do you have any siblings?


What does it feel like in my body when I am angry?

Hot, out of control, racing thoughts


Someone brings up a statement you disagree with...how do you respond?

1. That's an interesting point of view, thanks for sharing.


Someone starts to back away when you get close to them...what are they feeling?

1. Uncomfortable


What does it mean when someone smiles at me?

1. They are happy

2. They are politely and non-verbally saying hello


What are some topics that can be triggering for people?

Religion, politics, crime, violence


Something that triggers my anger is...

1. Losing a game

2. Homework