Perspective Taking
Team work

define values? 

Ex: Spending time with family is one of her values. 

Ideas, feelings, actions or activities that are very important to you. 


Define perspective

Someones point of view/ What someone sees from where they are standing. 


Define Teamwork


cooperative/organized effort done as a group/ work done with a team. 


Define communication 

The exchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech ( talking), writing, or signs.  


Define Social 

With others! 


Can being a good friend be a value? 

Yes! Learning how to be a good friend is a skill and having good friends affects your quality of life. Friends are an important part of our lives and can be something you value. 


looking at a situation from someone else's perspective, means?

Thinking about how they might be looking at things based on THEIR views and knowledge. 

looking at things through THEIR point of view.  


Name 3 activities that require teamwork 

any activity that involves more than one person. (sports/ board games / cooking )  


Is communication ONLY talking or can it look like something else? 

There are different types of communication. For example, there is verbal communication, Nonverbal communication, written communication, and visual communication.   


Name a time during school that its good to be social 

Recess, Lunch, Group activities/ projects, 


What is something you value?


  • Service to others
  • Education
  • Kindness
  • Positivity
  • Good humor

Thanks for sharing! 


Taking someone else's perspective helps you what?  

understanding someone's thoughts/ feelings 


What is one skill required for you to be a good team member?

Being flexible, Positive communication, compromise, Positive attitude, good listening skills, etc 


Is it always easy to communicate? 

I know you believe you understand what you think I said but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. 

(No, it's not always easy to communicate )  


Do I need to interact with others all the time? 

No, you also need time for yourself, but it's important to learn HOW to be social and feel comfortable working with others. 


Do our actions always line up with our values? 

Not always, which is why it's important for us to define what our values are and keep trying to model them in our lives. 


How does perspective-taking relate too fiction(books) and Film (movies)?  

Books and films are able to put us in multiple characters perspectives. Get us to understand how a character feels and thinks. 


What is one positive/ good thing that can come from having great teamwork?

We finish faster, We have fun, We make new friends, etc 


Tell me these things without using any words. 

"I have a question" 

"Good job"


" I am hungry" 

" I didn't like that"  

Raise hand

Thumbs up


Rub/ hold tummy 

mad angry face 


Where is a time and place you don't need to think about how your behavior is affecting others? 

personal space away from others/ alone in your room


What does thinking about our values help us with? 

it reminds us what we think is important and helps us figure out what we should and shouldn't be doing. 

Ex: I value my relationship with my friends, I should listen to what they have to say.  


Describe one-way perspective-taking can help you 

help you solve a problem, help you to be kind to others, help you understand others, make friends, keep friends 


What qualities can get in the way of working well in a team? 

poor communication skills, lack of respect, negative comments, being distracted, etc. 


What percent of our communication is nonverbal?

(0 - 30%)  (30 - 50%)   (50-80%)  (80 - 100%)  

80%!!! that's incredible! 


What is the smartest living organism (animal) in the world?  .  .  .    ( after Humans )  


Because of their strong communication skills !!